Chapter 1: 2

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Adrianna's POV:

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Adrianna's POV:

I kicked off my slippers and face planted back into my bed as I let the darkness consume me, not even having the energy to get under the covers or put the baby monitor back on my bedside table.

This was peaceful.

No children screaming at each other, no wailing babies and no one else in my room.

This was nice.

But all good things must come to an end as I was soon awoken again by my alarm clock. 3 hours had passed since I had gotten back into my room and it was time to get up and get ready.

An exasperated sigh left my mouth as I once again dragged myself out of bed and into my bathroom which was, thankfully, attached to my room.

Luckily, I don't have to make breakfast because we have people for that but I do have to get Soo-ah and Jae-in ready for school. The nanny comes at 7am for Hana and everyone else has to be at school by 9am.

I've always had a habit of reciting the days plan in my head while getting ready, I think it helps me keep structure as well as keep everyone on plan. My dad says I get that trait from my mother.

After my shower, I brushed my teeth and wrapped a towel around myself and went towards my walk-in wardrobe. I had to go into the office today since my parents were still away, so a semi-formal outfit was the plan.

Once I found the matching bra to my underwear, I slipped on a pair of flared grey slacks with a matching oversized blazer and a fitted, white short-sleeved crop top.

I kept my accessories fairly light by only putting on a watch, a silver necklace with a small heart pendant on it and some small diamond earrings.

My hair was still wet so I wrapped a towel around it as I slid my feet into a pair of black heels. Giving myself a once over to make sure I was satisfied with my outfit.

It's only 6:30am. I was impressed at my time and gave myself a minute to feel proud but then remembered the two teenagers I knew hadn't gotten up yet and sighed before walking out of my bedroom.

The sound of my heels clicking across the marble floor rang through the air as I walked to the other side of the elongated hallway. Not bothering to knock, I opened the door and spotted one of my two targets fast asleep, as expected, which caused me to roll my eyes.

Michael stirred in his sleep at the light I had welcomed to his room as I pulled opened his curtains. "Time to get up Mickey, you have school" I called out as I walked to his side of the bed and sat next to him.

"No, 5 more minutes" he mumbled from underneath the pillow he had dragged onto his head. "No, get up now Mickey or do you want me to get some water?" I asked as I stood up again but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

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