Chapter 2: 4

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Adrianna's POV:01

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Adrianna's POV:
Today was the day. It came a lot faster than I expected, but as I stood in the empty shell I once called my bedroom, it really sunk in. I hadn't gone to work the rest of that month.

I spent the whole month prepping the kids and myself to leave. I had packed everything up but was set back a lot since they all started hiding my stuff or the boys would come in and steal my boxes and not tell me where they put them.

Eventually, they would always give it back and I never got mad at them because I knew they meant well. I'm really gonna miss this place. I tied my hair up into a tight high ponytail before looking myself over in the mirror one last time.

I had paired my knee length denim shorts with a black leather belt, a long sleeve black top, an oversized denim jacket and black trainers. I didn't have any bags to carry since all of my stuff had already been sent to the new house. The only thing I really needed was my keys.

Owen and I haven't had any contact since the first day we met, and today were moving in together.

That's totally not going to be awkward.

I looked down at my watch as I walked down the stairs, 12 pm, it's a 45-minute drive from here to the new house which initially made me nervous that I wouldn't get to see the kids as often as I wish to.

But knowing Michael and Ken they probably guilt tripped dad into getting them each a key so they could come and go anytime they wished.

I honestly wouldn't put it past them.

"We're coming with you" I heard Ken say. It was a Saturday, so the kids were at home. "Why?" I asked as I reached the bottom of the staircase and raised a brow at my siblings.

They were stood in a line in front of the door and all of them had their arms crossed as they looked at me.

Even Soo-ah attempted to cross her arms. Michael went as far as to have a sleeping Hana lying on his shoulder as he looked at me seriously.

"Are you guys for real?" I asked and mimicked their stance. "Were dead serious Anna" Michael answered. I sighed. "It's hard enough to leave you guys as it is, are you gonna make it harder?" I know I was guilt tripping them, but I honestly could think of no other tactic that would make them move.

"You're a whole 45 minutes away Anna," Jae-in argued with a pout. "Yes, but I'm only 20 minutes away from your school, and if you're good for your nanny you can come and visit me," I tried to bargain since guilt tripping them didn't seem to work.

"Plus, Mickey turns 17 this year and can get his license if he studies hard enough, then you can come and see me whenever you want," I smiled as I could see their defenses break slowly, but Mickey's face scrunched up at the mention of more studying.

"I'll come and see you guys as often as I can, okay?" I said as I knelt down and kissed Soo-ah's cheek. "I'm gonna miss you so much" Jae-in mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm going to miss you too baby" I said and hugged her back.

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