Chapter 2: 6

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Adrianna's POV:02

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Adrianna's POV:
Yesterday was... interesting, for lack of a better word. The maids had already started unpacking before I arrived, so I didn't have to do much other than instruct them where to put certain things in my room, but I did do my office by myself.

What really surprised me was Owen and his brother fighting in the middle of the hallway. The last time I'd seen something like that was when Mickey was 9 and Ken was around 6.

My mom put a stop to it immediately and, even though it was only playful rough housing, they were punished and weren't allowed to see each other for the rest of the week.

I remember walking in between their rooms and secretly relaying their messages to each other. They never did it again, so seeing them doing it so calmly and in front of me was new.

I assume their parents just let them do that so it's normal. It was still shocking to me though. I've only seen stuff like that on TV.

It is normal for brothers to rough each other up a bit, I knew that, but my family is anything but normal, so it was out of my ordinary to witness that.

It's 8am and I had been up for the past two hours. My mother has apparently, by the grace of God, allowed me to work from home for the time being. Biggest shock of my life, I'll tell you that.

Having my own office in this house does really come in handy, I had been in here for the past hour and a half buried in paperwork, trying to catch up on what I missed the last month.

My concentration was broken by the sound of knocking at the door. "Come in," I slightly raised my voice so the person on the other side could hear me.

"Mrs. Volkov, breakfast is ready, Mr. Volkov is awaiting you downstairs," a maid said as she stood in the doorway with her hands neatly folded in front of her.

It was clear to me my mother had been in charge of the maids training before allowing them into my house. The folded hands were an obvious tell after being raised by her.

"Okay, I'll be right down, thank you," I gave a small smile before the maid bowed and left the room. Yep, definitely the handy work of my mother.

Being called 'Mrs. Volkov' was definitely something I was going to have to get used to. It still sounds so foreign to me.

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