Chapter 1: 3

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Adrianna's POV:

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Adrianna's POV:

As I pulled up to the company, the car door was opened for me and I was greeted by my assistant. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car as she began briefing me on today's schedule while we walked through the halls to my office.

"Oh, and your parents are waiting for you in your office" my assistant said after she had finished filling me in. "What?" I asked and glared at her as I halted my steps. It took me a second to register what she had just said. "Your parents are in your office Miss. Kim" she repeated it as if what she just said was okay.

"And why wouldn't you start off with that Jane?" I questioned the older woman as my frustration began to rise. "I'm sorry Miss" she apologized as I rolled my eyes and sped up to get to my office quicker. "Stay at your desk and don't let anyone in" I ordered Jane as we approached the door for my office.

She nodded her head and took a sharp right. "Adrianna!" my dad greeted me with a smile as he walked closer and gave me a hug. "Hi dad, welcome back" I greeted him back with the same smile and returned the hug.

"Seo-Jun" I heard a soft voice call from behind my father. Dad stiffened up before gently pulling out of the hug and going to stand next to his wife.

"Good morning, Mother, I hope your trip home was pleasant," I greeted the woman with a tight-lipped smile and she looked at me with no expression. "You're late" she replied and turned around to look outside of the large window in my office.

I withheld the urge to sigh and walked towards my desk, placing my bag on it. It was 9am on the dot, I was not late. I am never late. She wasn't even supposed to be in the country until later tonight.

"I thought you would be arriving later" I stated as I sat at my desk and looked over to my parents. "Your father pushed for an earlier flight" mother replied still not looking at me.

"I missed my kids" he explained with a smile. I gave him a soft smile back before wiping it off as my mother turned around and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you wearing?" the older woman asked as she scanned over my body. My mother heavily believed in women wearing skirts and dresses only, obviously my outfit was not exactly 'mother approved'.

The fact a little bit of my mid-drift is also exposed is only an added bonus to her disgust. In my defence, I wasn't expecting her to be home till around dinner time and I would've dressed appropriately for the occasion.

Her early arrival home ruined that plan completely.

Luckily before she could say any more about my appearance the phone on my desk rang. "Yes?" I answered eagerly. "Okay, thank you" I said as I hung the phone up.

"Excuse me, I have a meeting to get to" I announced as I grabbed the needed files and hurried out of my office. "Inform my brothers about our parent's arrival" I ordered my assistant as we walked towards the meeting room.

~ 🤍 ~

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