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  Harry! "didn't you serve the coffee to customers,see they are waiting",the voice from the galley.

     Appearence -> Age-26,medium white coloured skin,handsome look,shaved face,black eyes,black hair and good look.

     Appearence -> Age-26,medium white coloured skin,handsome look,shaved face,black eyes,black hair and good look

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                      Harry serves the coffee to the customer.That coffee shop was filled with girls because of his handsome look.Every girls admire his look.Harry know all about this but he pretend and continue to serve the orders.The girls are try to impress him best but they failed all time.Suddenly Harry receive a call.He attends it and said
"Hey Maxip!",after the call he head out the shop quickly.
                        Harry takes a cab to reach the restaurant.After reaching he opened the restaurant door there were more voice calling him.He turn his head and made a way to move towards
his friends [Harry have three friends Meya,Jammi,Maxip].Maxip asked "Why are you late Harry?" "Sorry! Maxi today our shop filled with customers thats why I am late",Harry replied to Maxip.
Meya smile funnily and said "That's because of you were there right harry".Harry and his friends laughed loudly by her words and enjoyed their meetup. Again Harry receive a call.

                    He said to Maxip, "Sorry I have a important call to attend" and he suddenly head out to restaurant to attend it,In that call "Tomorrow you have an interview at 9.30AM be in time",the voice from the receiver attended by Harry,he replied "Okay I will be there in time" and he drop the call.In the way he returns to the restaurant door one small girl snatch a phone and run away.Harry followed that girl and got his phone .Then he played with that small girl funnily.
                       At the same time Prissa look Harry through a glass door with no expressions.Suddenly Momp handed the mobile to Prissa to attend a receiving call so she quickly head out the restaurant.
                      When Harry head towards the restaurant door there Maxip came out and holds Harry's hand and make a way to car parking.Harry asked him rushly,"what are you doing Maxi?.
Maxip replied to harry with a trouble,"Harry I forgot my wallet,so stay right here until I find my wallet".Harry waited outside by scrolling his mobile.Suddenly infront of him a car passes
in slow speed. Harry casually lifted his head and saw the car's window there was Prissa inside the car. Even Harry didn't know her he can't take of his eyes from her until the car passed away him.
Maxip find his wallet and make a way to restaurant with Harry.

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