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Prissa was angrily sitting in her room when Ranchy came in and shouted at her, "What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? I'm the one who asked him to take the file because today is the last day for approval, but you forgot that, Prissa." After his words, she looked at him angrily and said, "I know what I am doing, so don't act like this," and stormed out of her room.


"It's okay, Harry, it's okay," Molas calmed him down. Harry wasn't looking well; his body was burnt. Molas gave him medicine, and he slept.

The next day, Prissa got ready to go to the company, and Momp came to pick her up. But she glanced at the Bodyguard's room, where Molas was heading. She stopped him and asked, "Where are you going?" He replied with shock, "I am going to Mr. Ranchy's room." She nodded and tried to ask him something else, but she quickly left the house in confusion.

Prissa returned home early and went straight to the kitchen, where Molas and Robert were chatting. She entered silently, and both of them froze. She saw them and said, "I want some coffee." Molas snapped out of it and brought her a cup, but Robert remained frozen. She tasted the coffee and exclaimed, "What the hell is this? There's too much coffee powder." Molas apologized, explaining that he didn't know the right amount because Harry usually handled everything for her. Prissa scolded him not to repeat this and asked about Harry, who hadn't shown up for work. Molas explained that Harry had a fever and was resting. Prissa, realizing this, then left, and both men breathed a sigh of relief.

Prissa stood outside Harry's room, questioning herself, "Prissa, why are you here? Are you out of your mind?" She decided to return to her room, but just then, Harry opened his door, looking shocked. They both stared at each other in surprise.

Harry welcomed her into his room and offered her water. Prissa asked about his fever, and Harry lean to her then showened his head and said " Check that by yourself". Prissa, with a sharp gaze, made him step back and maintain a distance.

She said, "I was just passing by; that's the reason. Now, I'm leaving." As she left, Harry smiled and said, "I'm feeling better. I'll be back at work tomorrow." Prissa turned to look at him before leaving.

The next morning, Harry happily went to Prissa's room, but she wasn't there. Suddenly, he heard someone in the dressing room and got scared, asking, "Who's there? Ms. Prissa, are you here?" When there was no response, he thought there might be an intruder. However, when he opened the door, Prissa startled him. She scolded him for not showing up the day before, and Harry, feeling disappointed, walked away(Because is the other side of her personality).She followed him, demanding an answer. He looked at her and suggested listening to music together, to which Prissa happily agreed.


The Sequel,

Molas was confused and lost in thought when Harry approached him and asked, "Hey, why do you look so confused?" Molas replied, "Actually, Harry... Ms. Prissa seemed very strange today." Harry pondered this, realizing he had discovered two sides of her personality. He continued, "In the morning, she glanced at our room for a while, and when she spoke to me for the first time, I was shocked. Then she went to the kitchen by herself, asked for coffee, and even inquired about you." Harry took a deep breath happily, still trying to comprehend everything. "Did she really ask about me?" After Harry's words, Molas nodded in confirmation. Harry settled onto the bed with a smile and peacefully fell asleep.


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