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                                                                                      [HOW TO FEEL? HOW TO EXPRESS]

                                   Harry opened his eyes, and Maxip was there, asking, "Hey, Harry, are you all right?" Harry replied, "Yeah." At that moment, the room's door opened, and Harry eagerly tried to move his shoulder forward. Ranchy entered, and Harry sadly pulled his shoulder back towards the bed. "My man, Harry, are you okay?" Ranchy said with teary eyes and hugged him. Harry, feeling blocked by his shoulder, signaled to Molas to help calm Ranchy down. Molas intervened and took Ranchy back. Harry reassured Ranchy, saying, "I am okay, Mr. Ranchy, don't be sad. Tomorrow, I'll be back at work." Ranchy insisted, "No, no, who said you have to come to work so early? Take some rest and then come back to work, okay?" He looked at Maxip and added, "Take care of my boy, Mr. Maxip." After Ranchy left, Harry felt sad. Maxip noticed and asked what happened, but Harry didn't answer.

                                     Later that night, Harry received a phone call from Molas. They talked about the incident, and Harry asked about Prissa. Molas informed him, "Ms. Prissa has just left. Why do you ask?" Harry replied, "I was just curious. Okay, I'm going to sleep now. Let's meet soon. Bye." After the conversation Harry thought to himself that Prissa wouldn't leave her house late at night just to see him. He struggled with his thoughts, feeling shy. Maxip saw him and asked, "Are you okay, Harry? You seem lost." Harry shyly pushed him away.                                    Harry waited for Prissa throughout the night while Maxip slept on the sofa. Harry couldn't sleep and kept turning around in his bed, hoping Prissa would come. However, as time passed, she didn't arrive. Eventually, Harry closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.            

Next Two days Later,

                                  Harry returned to work, and Molas hugged him. Prissa arrived, and Harry looked at her lovingly. She noticed and said, "What are you looking at? Let's go. We have more work to finish." Harry smiled and followed her happily.


                                The other side of Prissa was giving medicine to her father. At that moment, Ranchy arrived, and Prissa asked him about Harry.

                               Harry was in the garden when she ran to him and asked, "Are you alright? Ranchy said you're in the hospital. Is anything serious?" Harry realized this was another side of Prissa caring about him, so he replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. It's not a big deal." She expressed relief, saying, "Now I'm relieved you're okay." After her words, Harry smiled at her, and she smiled back at him with concern.

In Harry's mind, he wanted Prissa's concern, but she didn't showed. Instead, her other side showed more concern about him. He smiled forcely at her.



                                Harry was not fully cured, so he needed some rest, but he didn't take it. He looked tired. Ranchy came and asked him to take a file to Prissa's library, but Harry initially rejected the request. Ranchy insisted, explaining its importance and mentioning that Harry was the only one allowed in her library. After his words, Harry took the file and handed it to him.

After some time,

                              Prissa arrived home and went straight to her library. Suddenly, she shouted Harry's name loudly. Harry, in a half-asleep state, rushed to the library. "Where's the 24-M file? Tell me now,"She questioned. He replied "Mr. Ranchy asked me for those files, so..." She scolded him for touching the file without her permission and accused him of taking advantage. She emphasized that he was just a bodyguard and shouldn't overstep his limits. She stormed out angrily and slammed the door.


The Sequel...

                           In the hospital, after Harry had fallen asleep, Prissa arrived late at night. Her eyes showed concern as she approached Harry's bedside. She gently brushed his hair and then left quietly.


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