Day 1

27 3 0

You met Dean Winchester when you both were 15 years old. It was a snowy Christmas season when John decided, for the first time, that the boys needed a semi-decent Christmas and thus, they chose to celebrate it at Bobby's. It was a mere coincidence that you happened to be visiting your uncle for the holidays.

The Impala pulls up in the curve on Christmas Eve. Three people come out of it. The first one is a tall man with dark hair and harsh eyes, John, you instantly recognize him by Bobby's description. The next one is a kid 4 or so years younger than you. He's scrawny and has a soft smile on his face. Sam. The last is a teenager like you, his shoulders are broad considering his age, and he has a stoic face that only changes into a grin when he sees your uncle. Dean.

"Bobby!" John Winchester greets instantly; despite the warm tone, his face doesn't change.

While the adults talk loudly among themselves, you dare to glance at the boys. Sam seems to be eagerly waiting for his father to finish talking to Bobby, so he can greet him. He's not paying attention to you whatsoever. Dean, on the other hand, has all of his attention on you. That's when you decide to introduce yourself.

"Hey sugar," he smirks at you. You don't know it then, but that's one of the most important moments of your life.

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