Day 13

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It's precisely December 24th when Dean decides to propose to you. You're happy with your life as it is, so you're not even expecting it. Nevertheless, it comes as a nice surprise. Obviously, he wouldn't just propose in a normal kind of way, like during a dinner or a romantic hang out. No, clearly the proposal had to be entirely a Winchester. More accurately, it happens during a hunt.

You just finished saving his ass for the second time that day. As it turns out, the monster of the week was especially keen on attacking during the holidays, and you had to do a little overtime work to make due. Thus, the only thing on your mind right now is a warm shower and a nice shut-eye. You look like a mess, with your hair all over the place and a little leftover blood on your shirt. Honestly, you've been better, but that is the moment he chooses to make his proposal. That is the moment he realizes he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and there's no better way to prove it than to take the next obvious step toward forever.

You notice something is off when you climb into the Impala. He takes a moment to start the car. You're about to ask him what's wrong when he speaks: "marry me." The question seems out of the blue, but you don't focus on it, the resolution in his proposal leaves you breathless. It doesn't take you long to respond, and the answer conjures a smile on his face.

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