Day 17

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With your baby being a tiny human of only a few months old, you decided to celebrate the holidays in your house and invite the rest of your family over. The pretty perfect human you and Dean created requires too much attention to leave them alone, and they are too small to take them outside the house. In hindsight, it's good that no one complained about coming over to your place.

"So, Dean told me you guys have been thinking about another baby." Sam's comment surprises you to the point that you nearly drop the punch you're serving.

You came into the kitchen to get some refreshments, not to get cornered by your brother-in-law. "He said what?!" You just had your first baby, and given the lack of sleep you've been having, you're not thinking about another one for a while. Sure, you're 31 years old, and the biological clock is ticking, but you're not about to rush because of it.

At your startled expression, Sam laughs loudly. "You should see your face... No, he's been complaining about sleep, actually."

You sigh, "yeah, the babe is a little beast."

You and Sam make your way over to the living room, where the rest of your family is gathered. You can see Bobby sitting on one of the couches with your baby in his arms. He's looking at his grandchild as though they're the most precious baby ever existed. Next to him, John and Dean are comfortably talking about cars. "I'm happy for both of you," Sam expresses. "All I've ever wanted was for Dean to be happy and have a family. Even if he doesn't believe it, he deserves this." You couldn't agree more with Sam.

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