Day 7

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"Come dance with me?" You murmur in Dean's ear as the party is in full-on blast around you. You're too drunk to notice, but the soft breath on his skin sends goosebumps all over.

This year you couldn't scrunch up enough money to visit your family for the holidays, you tried, you really did, but being a 21-year-old, college student rediscovering herself proves to be more expensive than it seems. Now that you're legal to do a lot of things and try some others -not that it stopped you before- you want to get the best out of college and youth. There's a strong probability of going back to being a hunter, so now it's when you should let loose. Of course, your plans of not going back to Sioux Falls didn't stop Dean from borrowing the Impala and showing up at your campus unannounced.

A drunk Santa bumps into you, sending you on top of Dean, who is perched on a barstool. Surprisingly, he's the one keeping the wits tonight because he hasn't had more than a beer.

Dean sighs, "I think it's time for us to go back to your dorm, you're wasted."

You whine, "whaaat? We just got here."

"Sugar, we got here five hours ago."

You pout, "I thought you wanted to take a pretty college girl to your motel?" You cannot hide the snide in your voice.

Dean catches on, but decides to ignore it, instead, he says; "I am taking a pretty college girl, but to her room." He smirks at you, "now, c'mon, I don't want you to puke on me."

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