Day 8

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Ever since the beginning of the school year, Dean has been ignoring all of your text messages and calls. He gives you enough responses just to be sure that he's still alive, but not enough for you not to worry about him. Distance and sporadic contact has never hindered your friendship with him, so it is a complete surprise that he just stopped texting you altogether. You're not even sure what's happening until you reach out to Sam for answers. And even when you do, even when you try to contact little Sammy, he doesn't answer. It's your uncle Bobby that lets you know what's going on. As it turns out, despite his father's wishes, Sam has gone to study pre-law at Stanford. You could hear Bobby's pride through the phone, but also the disappointment towards John's reaction. You don't have the head, however, to care much about either of those things, because, in your mind, you can only worry about how is Dean coping without his little brother. You have half a mind to ditch school and go look for him, but you know he could be anywhere in the country, and if he doesn't want to be contacted, there is a high chance you won't find him. So, you decide to wait for him to reach you. And, finally, by Christmas, he shows up on your doorstep. His broken heart tells you two things; the first one is that you wouldn't mind giving Sam an earful, and the second one is that you love Dean Winchester like more than a friend.

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