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It was finally Saturday and Bri was meeting his parents. Was he nervous, not at all Chad was thinking. They both were in his new truck. He had to trade in the old one because he was getting too big. So pulling up in the driveway to his parent's house, Chad looked over at Bri who was smiling at him. " Are you ready?". Bri smiled "yes fatty". Chad smiled "good". They both got out the truck and were instantly greeted by Chad's parents. His mom was in shocked but happy."oh my, you look so healthy son." Chad smiled. Walking into the house Chad realized he couldn't fit through the door and Bri noticed and try to push Chad through. He laughed and said"I'm def a boy now." He squeezed a little harder and the front door hinges came off and Chad still couldn't get in. "Welp, I'm guessing I can come in." Bri looked at Chad and kissed him and whispered in his ear," I'm so hot right now." Chad ear perked up and he pushed through ripping his shirt. Bri laughed and said" now you gotta fixed the door fatty." Chad laughed "Dad hand me your tools please."while chad was fixing the door, Bri helped with the food. Chads mom said to Bri, " I see you're feeding my baby, good job because the last one didn't care at all about him." Before Bri could respond Chad fixed the door and said,"let's eat!." So they ate and ate and Bri whispered to Chad" I love you". Chad replied back the same.

Chad's weight gainWhere stories live. Discover now