Stranger Danger

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All kids are told this one phrase at some point in their lives stranger danger I have too, except not in that format, Mama told me " Sometimes you meet interesting people, they fascinate you, but in the end you might not even learn their names, that's what makes strangers so dangerous.

I took that to heart.

I finally understand mama, after all, the beautiful man is yet to leave my head. I feel like I'm under a spell. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in-love with the stranger. I don't even know his name, I think that's what makes him so interesting. I've met him twice, on the same spot, same time. He's got me wondering if I'll see him again.

I'm at work, about to go into a meeting with a client, a representative for a sports company.

In France, where I live now, sports is a big thing, our national football team has recently placed 2nd in the World Cup. I watched that game, I think everyone did. Big disappointment when they lost but there's still a lot pride in my countries achievements.

To be honest, I've always wanted to do sport. When I was a young girl, I'd watch the players running on the field, the sweat only making them shine more. I admired them so much, I imagined that it was me, making up scenarios in my head that one day I'll get to meet Ronaldo or Messi, maybe Zatlan too.

Life had other plans for me. Mama told me that as a girl, football is nothing more than a dream, "if you want to be respected and make money, be a lawyer or something."

I took that to heart.

That's why I'm here now.

The door opens to the conformance room and the representative comes in. It's a middle aged man. Around 40 maybe 45, he did look good for his age though.

I stood up to shake his hand, "hello, I'm Milana Chevalier, I'm the lawyer who will work Ross Sport." "Ah, nice to meet you Ms. Chevalier, I'm Jean Sung, the official representative for Ross. I'm actually here for a reason today" I hummed to let him know that I'm listening, "We're actually having a player transferred from South Korea, we're still negotiating the prices but his manager is demanding a high price."

Oh? There's a new player?

"How much are they thinking?" I asked "16 million euro for a 10 year contract" wow, that's a lot. "How much are you willing to pay for this player? I need to know for negotiations." "I'm hoping 9 million euros." Ah that sounds like some hard work.

"I'll try to see how much we can do, I'm good at what I do so I'll try to get the price down, I'll have my assistant set up an appointment in about a month, what's the managers email?" "Alright thank you, I'll send you his email a bit later, I'm not sure now." He chuckled and we discussed a bit further cracking the ice to make working together more comfortable.

Jean checked his watch and we said our goodbyes around 9pm.

I clocked out and went on my way home, stopping to grab a coffee, I have to work late tonight again. I sigh.

I order a black coffee and go on my way, not noticing the stranger sitting in one of the booths.

My best friend from high school loved coffee, she would say "you know, people like to shit on coffee for making you shorter but that's bullshit, it just makes you happy."

I took that to heart.


>I'm currently making a playlist for this story, I'm curious if there's any songs that you think fit.

>Jean is actually the name of one of my teachers, he's French and I have a hard time coming up with names.

>John was surprised when he first saw Lana because of how young she is.

>can you guess who the mystery player is?

>Lana's high school best friend and her quote will come in later in the story.

>please leave comments, they make me super happy!!

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