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Wu Chenzi once wanted to send someone to kill Wu Ruo, but Heifubu could n’t get in, but he could n’t break the scene. It was well known. The most depressing thing was that Wu Ruo rarely went out and could n’t find a chance Today, Hei Xietang's younger brother He Xietang killed the Wu family. Naturally, it will make things bigger. This is the best opportunity to get rid of Wu Ruo. He immediately notified the government to send someone to surround Heifu. Heifu.

Wu Xi hurriedly turned around: "Second Brother, the officers and men outside will not really take Brother Tang away?"

Hei Xietang smiled: "Is Xiaoxi very worried that I will be taken away by them?"

"Of course." U Xi rolled her eyes very unkindly.

"Don't worry, Brother won't make me okay, right, Brother?" Hei Xietang put his hand on Hei Xuan's shoulder.

He Xuan glanced at him.

Hei Xietang drew his hand and said, "There is only one person identifying me on the other side, as long as I don't admit it, how can they take me?"

Wu Ruo frowned: "I really want to go to the public hall. More than one person will recognize you. Wu Chenzi will arrange other people to say that you killed them, but also that the rest of us also killed the Wu family. . "

Hei Xietang: "..."

Wu Qianqing said: "Xiao Ruo is right."

Uxi opened his eyes wide, "Second Brother, do you mean we will also be taken away?"

Wu Ruo nodded.

"Then we need to find a way as soon as possible," although Wu Zhu and Guan Tong didn't know what was going on, but from their dialogue, they learned that Wu Xitang had indeed killed the Wu family.

Wu Ruo turned to Hei Xieyan: "Xie Yan, what do you say?"

The large array in the government can't stand the long-term attack of many people. Within a day, the large array will be breached. You need to quickly think of a way to do it.

Hei Xunyu knocked on his chair and stopped his hand, saying softly, "Plead guilty.

Hei Xutang: "!!!!!!"

Wuzhu them: "..."

"Confession?" Wu Ruo didn't believe it was as simple as confession: "What are you going to do?"

Hei Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Officers and soldiers and the Wu family outside Heifu have been looking for a way to crack the battlefield. Suddenly, the door opened and everyone outside was alert. Hei Xietang came out from the inside and said to Jing Zhaoyin, "I'll follow you."

The parents of Wu, standing beside Jing Zhaoyin, said coldly, "It's not just you, everyone in Heifu will follow us to Beijing Zhaozhao."

Hei Xingtang looked at Yanfu and nodded: "Yes."

The officers and men and the people of Wufu rushed out with the chains of the seal spirit ...

Hei Xingtang looked at the rune on the eye chain, blocked the chain, and sneered: "Master, if I remember correctly, the chain is for the prisoner, but it is not too anxious to wear the chain before the trial is opened. Or did you just say that I was a prisoner after listening to Wujia's one-sided words? If this is the case, would it be too hasty? Will the emperor dare to refer the case to you in the future? "

Jingzhao Yin Lengheng: "I am afraid that you will run away."

"We are going to run long ago, will we be stupid enough to come out and catch you?"

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