Recognize each other

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In the early morning of the next day, Wu Ruo had breakfast and checked Hei Xixi's body. After making sure that he was okay, he took the ghost and the eggs together to go to Heixitang House to visit Guantong.

On the bus, the ghost woman was very nervous: "Xiao Ruo, if you said your mother knew that I was his mother-in-law, how would she react?"

"She will be very happy." Wu Ruo patted her shoulders to make her feel at ease: "Maternal grandmother, you will be separated from my mother for various reasons. My mother will forgive you, so you should not be nervous. You do n’t have to worry that my mother will dislike your appearance. There is something that does n’t mean that a child is not ugly. Even if you are really ugly, a child will not dislike you, let alone you now. It ’s not ugly. After you have completely restored your appearance, you will stand with my mother. Everyone thought you were two sisters. "

The following words are true. The ghost woman is a ninth-level magician. After her appearance is restored, she is as young as forty years ago.

The ghost woman breathed a little sigh of relief, but when she arrived at the palace, she became nervous again: "Should I wear a veil first?"

Wu Ruo thought for a while and laughed: "Even if you wear it, you can surprise my mother."

The ghost woman immediately took the veil and followed Wu Ruo to the courtyard where Guan Tong lived.

Wu Qianqing They saw Wu Ruo they came, and quickly stood up: "Little Ruo, egg, little, you are here."

At first glance, Guan Tong found that Wu Ruo was thin and distressed: "Xiao Ruo has lost a lot of weight. He must not sleep well or eat well recently. I'll let the stewed soup and soup for you.

"Okay." Wu Ruo laughed and put the children down and let them go out with Xiao Wuyou; "Mother, I'll introduce you to someone."

He leaned over his body so everyone could see the hag.

Before she went to office, Uroth looked for someone to dress her up. At this time, the ghost woman was wearing a light blue gauze skirt, and she was wearing a variety of jewellery with her ten sons, making her look just like her. Fantastic teeth woman in her early twenties, very young.

Guan Tong froze: "This is ..."

She saw the ghost's eyes and tentatively asked, "Is it a ghost?"

Wu Ruohe grinned: "The mother is so powerful, she recognizes the ghost at a glance.

Guan Tong laughed: "I also recognized her as a ghost woman from my eyes."

"Is this the ghost woman?" Uhi stared in surprise, and looked up and down the left and right: "Except for the eyes, nothing looks like it."

In the past, the ghost woman didn't pay attention to dress and dress. In order to disguise her identity and match her ugly face, in the past, all the clothes were worn by the old woman and the jewelry worn by the old woman.

Wu Qianqing also carefully looked at the ghost woman: "Did the ghost woman heal her face, the scars on her forehead are gone, and new skin has grown back, and now there are some scars left."

You You and Thorny, Ye Ji they came around.

Wu Xi smiled and said, "I said why the ghost woman looks different. It turned out to have healed her face."

Wuzhu was curious: "The ghost woman has been wearing a veil, can't your face be blown?"

Wu Ruo looked back at the ghost woman: "Take off your veil."

The ghost woman looked nervously at Tong Tong.

Guan Tong said, "If you can't blow hair, don't pick it."

Comeback of the Abandoned WifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin