My favorite is you

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Before long, the emperor and the queen hurried to the Hengxing Palace. They both shed their hair and did not wear their clothes. They just came out wearing cloaks.

"Xuan Ye, Xiao Ruo, we heard the black letter saying that you had a child again with Sanqi Stone?" The empress ran the emperor and came in, looking around: "Where is the child and where is our little grandson?"

Wu Ruo silently pointed at the little baby of the saucer.

The emperor and the queen were stunned. The two looked at each other. A baby too small to be too small was lying on the saucer-taking a bath! ? And I was very satisfied to take a nap, seeing them coming, Xiao Waer smiled at them.

"This ... this ..." The Emperor and the Emperor were both frightened. They had never seen such a small child: "This is our new grandson?"

Wu Ruo nodded.

The empress looked worried: "Why is he so young? Is there any problem with his body? Can he grow up?"

Wu Ruo distressed, "I don't know if he can grow up."

The emperor wondered, "Isn't there only one Sanqi stone in the world? How can there be a Sanqi stone turned into a child?"

"Sanqi stone can be divided into several children." Wu Ruo said what happened a few days ago: "So, a small child is so small."

He lightly touched the child's little feet with his fingers: "I don't know if the child will grow up and blame me for pinching him so small."

"Little daddy will blame Dad." Sitting in Wu Ruo's arms and hugging Wu Ruo's waist, "Little likes Dad as much as I do."

Wu Ruo smiled and rubbed his little head.

The empress comforted Wu Ruo: "You are his father. As long as you love him so much, how can he blame you."

He seemed to understand the words of the empress, waved his limbs, and made a humming sound.

The empress laughed and said, "Look at him for my word."

Hei Xuan narrowed his eyes, took Xiao Xiao out of the water, and carefully dried his body carefully.

The queen quickly said, "Let me hug him."

After speaking, she couldn't get started. How can this child be so small?

Hei Xieyu put the child in the palm of the empress,

"Little, my beloved grandson." The empress teased the baby with a smile.

Xiao Xiao grinned very much.

The emperor laughed and said, "Xiaoxiao looks exactly like Xiaoruo when he was young."

"Yes." The Empress looked up at the Emperor: "You don't say I haven't noticed yet, Xiao Xiao is like Xiao Ruo as a child."

Wu Ruo knew they had seen him as a child, and could not help but smile.

"When he grows up, he must be a big beauty like his father."

Wu Ruo quickly corrected the words of the empress: "It is a beautiful man."

The empress smiled and said, "Yes, it's a beautiful man."

Xiaoxiao played with them for a while and was so tired that he yawned.

The emperor said: "Small boy is deformed and easily tired, so let him rest first."

The empress reluctantly handed the child back to Hei Xieyu: "It's not early, and you should rest early, and we'll see him tomorrow."

Wu Ruo got up and sent them out. When he returned, Hei Xieyu had put Xiaoxiao on the bed and covered the child with silk silk.

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