Chapter 3 - The Carride

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Chapter 3 - The Carride
Harry was not at the train station. Harry wasn't very smart but he was smart enough to know that. Harry crept out of the fire pit, dragging his bags and lizard with him. He awkwardly wiped his glasses off, attempting to clean his glasses while holding a nine foot lizard proved to be a futile task; Footsock twisted out of Harry's grasp and ran down the hall.

Harry looked around him for the first time, he was in a large cement room. He thought it looked like a garage. As he looked around, he could only see the fireplace from which he and Footsock appeared from some old looking furniture that was covered with some sort of clear sheet, and an old, fancy looking door.

As Footsock ran around the small cement room, Harry abandoned his bags and cartwheeled to the door. He was just about to open it when he heard voices coming from the otherside. He pressed his ear against the door and heard what sounded like that strange seductive italian boy. What was his name, Drocab Melfiy? Harry couldn't be bothered to remember. He kept listening and heard Drocab and another man voice talking back and forth.

"You're'a going to'a start working'a for Captain Valdimar'a. He'll give you'a taskes to'a carry out'a and you must'a follow them'a if you want'a him to succeed'a in his plans." the man voice said.

"But Papa'a, I'a do not'a want to'a work for the Captain'a!" the small italian boy said. Harry recognized the name as the guy Hagrid said killed his parents and the one who had given him his dreadful head hole.

He wondered why they could say his name but he could not.

"But'a Draco'a!" the older seductive italian exclaimed.

Harry nodded and whispered the name Dracoa, to help him remember the name.

"I am'a not at'a Glockwarts anymore! I can not'a spy on the school'a! I am'a your father and you will'a do what I'a say."
Harry heard Dracoa scoff and heard their footsteps getting farther away from the door. He slowly cracked open the door and tiptoed out into a small hallway that went to a large room that seemed to be a living room. He was just about to go looking around the big room when Footsock dashed past him towards the italians.

Harry cartwheeled as fast as he could after the big lizard, hoping to catch her before she got to Dracoa and his dad. He almost had her when suddenly she sped up, and Harry just couldnt catch her.
Footsock almost got Dracoas leg, but she missed as he entered another room, closing the door just in time, the door smashing Footsocks scaly snout. Harry caught up and grabbed Footsock, cradling her like a baby. He tiptoed back to the large room and found a blanket, and decided to swaddle Footsock so that she couldn't cause anymore problems. He carried her around as he looked around the room, not finding much other than pillows and couches.
Harry got bored, so he decided to wander and he just went through the first door he saw. He did realize that the door went back to the small cement room he started in so he left and went through the second door he saw.

Inside of this room was a refrigerator, lots of cabinets, and an oven. There was also a small group of what looked like giant flies, but with human arms and legs. They were all wearing simple brown shirts, and were all cleaning or cooking something. When Harry entered, none of them paid any attention to him, so Harry started poking around in the cabinets. They mostly all had dishes and silverware and such, so he gave up on those. He went to the refrigerator and opened it to look for something to eat, but there wasn't much in there except a decapitated horse head and eggs. Footsock scrambled out of the blankets and swallowed the frozen cranium whole.

Harry sighed in disappointment, and decided he'd just eat the eggs instead. He grabbed two and started to look for a pan to cook them in. He looked in all the cabinets again and grabbed a small frying pan and threw the eggs in, shell and all. He watched them cook slowly, and grabbed a handful of different spices and started dumping them in. He mixed them all in with his finger, toasting his skin. When the eggs were cooked he tipped the pan so that the eggs and spices slid into his mouth. Harry swallowed his food and coughed, sending a cloud of spices into the air, getting them all over his clothes and face.

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