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*Above is Ana's outfit

Natasha led Ana down a hallway, the latter bored.

"So, why do I have to go to this party?" Ana questioned.

"Would you rather spend the rest of your time here in a cell?" Natasha questioned.

"Fair point."

Natasha opened a door. It lead to a very expensive-looking room.

"This is my room. You can get dressed here. I should have something that fits you..." Natasha spoke.

She left after, leaving Ana alone.

"T-this is crazy... How could somebody live like this?" Ana questioned.

She walked over to the closet, sweeping through all the expensive-looking dresses. She settled for a dark blue one, quickly throwing it on.

It went down to her ankles, a slit on the right side showing her leg. She grabbed a pair of shorts, slipping them on under.

Walking out, she met Natasha at the door.

"Thank you," Ana said.

"For what?" Natasha questioned.

"For bringing me here. I wasn't really in a good place."

"Of course. Whether you want to believe it or not, I do care about you. We're family, I'll be here whenever you need me."

Ana froze as Nat pulled her in for a hug. It had been so long since she had been shown affection, and she didn't know how to respond.

"Come on. We have a party to attend." Nat said.

Ana smiled, following her sister.

By the time they got down there, the party had already started. Thor and Tony were talking to someone she didn't know. Steve was doing the same. Barton seemed to be taking it easy, and Nat left her to flirt with Bruce.

Ana sighed, walking over to Steve.

"Any leads?" he asked.

"Sorry Cap, dead end. The guy just doesn't want to be found." the stranger replied.

"Who are we finding?" Ana questioned.

Steve jumped, shocked to find someone else listening in on his conversation.

"Oh, Ana! We're looking for my friend, Bucky. This is my friend, Sam." Steve spoke.

"Nice to meet you." Sam said.

"Likewise." She replied.

Ana tried to think of where she had heard the name before, freezing as it finally came to her. Her face drained of color as she realized they were talking about the Winter Soldier.

"Ana, are you okay?" Steve questioned.

"Y-you're trying to find the Winter Soldier?" Ana replied.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"The Winter Soldier was the one who disposed of my parents when they found out the Red Room wasn't an academy. They brought him in later to teach a few of the gifted children, I was one of them. During training, he would tell me what he remembered until they wiped him again. That lasted until I was seven."

"Wait, how old were you when you were brought to the Red Room?" Sam pondered.

"I was four years old. Nat tried to fight it, but there was nothing she could do."

Steve and Sam gave her looks of pity, making Ana uncomfortable. She walked off, making her way to where everyone had started gathering.

Clint was arguing with Thor over the hammer, resulting in the boys trying to lift it. Thor offered to Maria and Natasha, but they denied.

"Lady Anastasia, care to give it a go?" Thor questioned.

"Eh, why not. You never live until you've tried to pick up a magic hammer," Ana replied.

Ana sat up gripping the hammer tightly. She started to pull, the object actually being really light. She stopped as she saw Thor's worried expression, pretending it was too heavy.

"Man, that thing weighs a ton. How the hell do you carry it around all the time?" Ana spoke.

"Easy. It's heavy for you because you guys aren't worthy." Thor replied.

A loud screeching noise came from one of the hallways, Ana covering her ears. She was always extra sensitive to noise.

"No, how could you be? You're all killers." a voice spoke.

They turned around to see a damaged suit walking towards them. Ana sank as the suit spoke, as it stared directly at her.

Tony tried calling Jarvis, but the AI was unresponsive. The suit admitted to destroying the AI, and that Tony and Bruce had been working on his software.

Suddenly, dozens of other suits flew in, attacking the Avengers. Ana grabbed her knife out of her pocket, stabbing the robots in their weak spots. One of them shot at her, but she dodged just in time, throwing her knife at their wires.

Running to the bar, Ana grabbed Natasha's spare gun, shooting the suits in her area. When it seemed like they stopped approaching, she walked back to the others.

"That was dramatic," Ultron muttered, "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to save the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve. With these... these puppets? There's only one path to peace— the Avenger's extinction."

Ultron quickly left, leaving the Avengers to themselves.

"What the fuck was that?" Ana growled.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Tony interrogated.

"Ah, always fun to deal with you, Stark. I'm the bitch who would kill you if you didn't work with my sister. I assume this was a result of your stupidity."

The girl scowled, her accent thick in every word. She hated the man, more than he would ever know.

"Ana!" Natasha scolded.

"What? It's the truth. Now, am I going to have to deal with your bad attitude, or are we actually going to figure out Ultron's plan?"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also I know I'm going to get a comment about Ana being able to pick up Thor's hammer. Yes, she is worthy- but it won't become important until later on. Remember, I wrote this almost four years ago now. My goal was not to change what I had in mind, just make the story flow a little better. 

Starting now my plan is to post every other week. This gives me time to write ahead so you guys won't go without chapters!

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