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Wanda's POV-

" What is her fear?" Pietro asked.

He looked worried, but it was always hard to tell for sure. Wanda could never get a good read on his mind, just important words of meaning. She sighed, looking down at the girl in her lap.

" She's afraid of herself- hurting the ones she cares about. What Hydra might force her to do one day." Wanda explained.

Pietro nodded, going back to his own thing. Wanda grabbed Ana's hand, hoping she would wake up soon.

The poor girl was convulsing, tears streaming down her face. Sweat poured down her body, and every once in a while she let out strangled cries. It had been one of the most violent reactions to her powers Wanda had ever seen. Seeing as Ana was never one to openly show her emotions unless they were going to die, it was worrying.

" When will she wake up?" Pietro questioned.

" I don't know. I never wanted to hurt her like this. Usually, a person I put under would've been awake by now. This is unlike anything I've seen." Wanda clarified.

Pietro went quiet, giving up on interrogating his sister. Wanda sighed, looking over at the cradle that held Ultron's new body.

A chill went through her body looking at it. She knew that whatever came out of it was going to be powerful. The more she looked at it, the more uneasy she had gotten. It was as if it were holding a secret.

Wanda got up, setting Ana down gently. She touched the cradle, her body not letting her get any closer. Her unease turned into fear as she looked at the robot inside. Its proportions were too human, dull eyes staring above her.

Feeling some sort of wave from inside, she couldn't help the curiosity that overwhelmed her. She had never gotten anything out of Ultron, but now was her chance.

Wanda clenched her forehead in pain as images flashed through her mind. They were hazy and quick, but she couldn't deny what she saw. The destruction of mankind, that was Ultron's plan.

She whipped her head over to Ultron, who had already stood up. He knew what she had seen by the look she couldn't keep off of her face.

" You're a madman!" Wanda spat.

" The human race will have every chance to evolve," Ultron replied.

" And if they don't?"

" Well, take the dinosaurs for example."

Wanda tensed, her body becoming still. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ultron wanted to create peace, not end the world. What peace would there be when there was no one left?

She felt an arm around her waist before she was taken in a gust of air. She felt dizzy, nearly becoming nauseated.

When she was on her own two feet again, she took a look around. She was on a train, Pietro setting Ana down in one of the seats. She looked over to see Captain America, feelings of relief flooding though her.

It quickly faded as she noticed the train was going way too fast, with no plans of stopping anytime soon. Wanda walked over to the captain, putting her dainty hand on his shoulder.

" What do you need us to do?" Wanda inquired.

He looked suspicious, raising an eyebrow. When he saw she was serious he nodded.

" Right, we need to stop this train before innocent people die. Do you think you can slow this thing down?" the Captain ordered.

" Right, we got it. Pietro, move any civilians out of the way. I'll work on stopping the train." Wanda commanded.

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