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Ana would be lying if she said everything was fine. She could lie to everyone else, but unfortunately she could never lie to herself. She wasn't okay and she didn't know how to express that.

From night terrors to the constant paranoia, living was just another draining task. After coming back she felt broken, like a part of her was missing. She assumed that was the cost of coming back from the dead.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a knock on her door.

" Ana, it's me. Can I come in?" Pietro questioned.

" Yeah. Friday, unlock the door," Ana replied.

She heard the clicking of the lock, followed by the opening of the door. She managed a small smile towards Pietro, trying to seem less messed up.

He seemed different too. His hair was as messy as it always was, but it seemed to be on purpose this time. He fidgeted every once in a while but it was nothing compared to how he used to. His skin seemed brighter, healthier. Being an Avenger seemed to do a lot for him.

" You don't have to do that you know, pretend. I've known you long enough to know when you're struggling," Pietro spoke, trying to get her to open up.

" I don't know how I'm feeling right now. It takes too much energy to figure it out. If I'm not numb I'm terrified or angry. I'm broken, and I can't figure out how to put myself back together," Ana explained, frustrated.

" That's perfectly normal, Ana, we just got you back a few days ago. Despite what you tell yourself, emotions are part of being human. You can't be okay all the time. Just take it one step at a time. Have you eaten today?"

" What do you think, Pietro?"

" C'mon, I'm not letting you waste away in here,"

Pietro's POV-

He quickly scooped the girl up, ignoring her protests. He set her in her wheelchair, forcing her out of her room.

He had seen Ana like this more than Wanda had, he knew how to deal with these kinds of situations. She was never going to take the first step herself, so he always did it for her.

And he was glad he did, Ana looked terrible. She was unusually pale, and always looked sickly. Her eyes were often glazed over as she was lost in thought, and her whole body shook as if she were cold. He knew it was the lack of food and water, it was making her sick. She wouldn't admit it to anybody, but he wasn't stupid.

" Pietro, what the hell?" Ana growled.

" We go through this every time. You can be mad at me all you want, but I'm not going to watch as you continue to get worse. You went through hell, we all did, you need to learn to get past it. Grow stronger instead of letting it destroy you," Pietro spat.

He was worried he had taken it too far, until Ana sighed in reluctant agreement.

" So, what's on the menu speedy?"

" Speedy? Your nicknames are getting weak. And whatever you think will be best,"

" Please, I'd like to see you do better. And I'm thinking soup, at least then I might be able to keep it down,"

" Soup it is,"

Ana's POV-

It was weird, laughing and joking around when it wasn't natural. She knew Pietro was just trying to help, and she would never take the steps to recover herself.

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