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Wanda's POV-

She walked into a church by where she was staying, her brother trailing not too far behind her. She missed Ana, but knew she was probably a part of the Avengers now. It made sense, she had always wanted to find her sister again.

As they got closer, Wanda felt Pietro's hand loop through hers. It was a small gesture, but one that made her feel just a bit more at home. It reminded her of when they were kids, about to get scolded. It made her feel just a little more confident.

"Talk. And if you're wasting our time..." Pietro threatened.

"Did you know this church is in the direct center of the city? The elders decreed it so everyone could be closer to God," a man spoke. "I like that; the geometry of belief."

Wanda used her powers, trying to get into the man's head. She was confused when nothing came, like he was blocking her. This had never happened to her, even when she first got her powers. She had always been able to at least get something from someone, but this man was empty.

"You're wondering why you can't get in my head," the man observed.

"Sometimes it's hard, but sooner or later every man cracks," Wanda replied.

The twins were stunned as Ultron stepped out into the light. It was, indeed, not a man, but a huge robot. His metal body gleamed as the light hit it, nearly blinding the twins.

His eyes glowed a lifeless red, making Pietro grip Wanda's hand tighter. No, this wasn't a man, this was a soulless hunk of metal.

"I'm sure they do, but you needed more than a man. That's why you let Stark take the scepter," Ultron spoke.

"I didn't expect it, but I saw Stark's fear. I knew it would control him, make him self-destruct," Wanda explained.

"Everyone creates things they dread. Men of peace create engines of war, invaders create avengers, and humans create... smaller people. Children! I almost forgot the word there. Children, designed to supplant them. Help them end."

"Is that why you've come?" He asked. "To end the Avengers?"

"I've come to save the world, but also... yeah. We'll move out right away. This is a start, but there's something we need to begin the real work."

Wanda looked as smaller robots began to pour in, feeling her heartbeat pick up. They were outnumbered greatly, and even with her powers there would be too many if it came down to a fight.

"All of these are..."

"Me, I have the one thing the Avengers never will, harmony. They're discordant, disconnected. Stark's already got them turning on each other," Ultron explained. "When you get inside their heads... everyone's plan is not to kill them."

"And make them martyrs?"

"You need patience to see the bigger picture."

"I don't have a big picture. I have a little one. I take it out and look at it every day."

"You lost your parents in the bombings. I've seen the records."

"The records are not the picture."

"Pietro..." Wanda scolded.

"No, please continue," Ultron spoke.

Wanda could see the unease on her brother's face, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. It was hard to tell people what happened to them, even after all these years. It was still traumatic, and both twins could feel their chest tighten as Pietro told the story.

"We were ten years old, having dinner with a friend. When the first shell hits, it makes rubble fall, crushing our parents and trapping Ana," Pietro explained, "We were under the bed by that time, hiding. A second bomb fell into the house, blinking furiously. I ran to grab Ana, despite her protests. It took me many tries to lift the debris, injuring her legs further. We waited until the police showed up, trying to keep Ana awake. I know what they are."

"I wondered why you three were the only ones to survive Strucker's experiments, now I know. Unfortunately, Ana decided to join the wrong team. She really could have helped us tear them apart."

"No... she wouldn't just leave us..."

"Pietro, the Black Widow is her sister. Don't worry. We'll remind her who her real family is." Wanda decided.

Ana's POV-

After reluctantly telling them what she knew about Strucker, Ana headed to one of the spare rooms. Talking about the man brought back memories, memories that she would much rather forget.

She heard a knock on the door. Her sister walked in.

"Everything okay?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine, Natty," Ana responded.

"Whenever you call me Natty, I can tell that something's bothering you."

" You got me," Ana admitted. "I guess talking about Strucker brought back unwanted memories."

Ana turned away from Natasha, hiding her emotions. It was the one habit she was never able to break. She felt like a burden when she let her emotions show, just another reminder of the past.

She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Natasha had reached out towards her back. She flinched as her sister traced the outline of the ink on her back, chills running down her spine.

"When did you get this?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, uh I, 'got my wings,' when I first entered HYDRA. It's their form of a brand, a sign that I'm their weapon." Ana spoke.

"They did a lot to you, didn't they?"

"More than they did to Wanda and Pietro. They wanted to make me one of their best soldiers, better than Winter. They called me the Fallen Angel."

"I'm sorry. Last I heard, you were dead,"

"That's what the Red Room thought. They classified me MIA once the bomb dropped."

The conversation stopped as a knock sounded on the door, Steve coming in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Ultron killed Strucker. The rest of the group is looking through files, trying to find where he's going next."

Ana walked in, trying to step around the scattered papers. The room was a mess, boxes and files strewn everywhere. Honestly, she would have expected an organization that did this as their job to be a little neater about it.

"Known associates?" Banner asked.

"Good luck. Strucker had a lot of friends." Ana replied.

"These guys are all terrible." Steve spoke.

"Wait, I know that guy!" Tony exclaimed, earning weird looks from the others in the room, "From back in the day. There were conventions, alright? I didn't sell anything to him. He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer. It was all very Ahab."

"This?" Thor questioned, pointing to the screen.

"That's a tattoo. I don't think he had it before."

"That's not a tattoo, idiot. It's a brand." Ana spat.

"Yeah, it's a word in African dialect meaning thief, but in a much less friendly way." Bruce explained.

"What dialect?"

" Wakanada? Wakanda,"

"If he got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony's voice trailed off.

"Wait, I thought your father got the last of it," Steve spoke.

" I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce questioned.

" The strongest metal on Earth," Ana answered.

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