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The last thing Ana expected to do was wake up, let alone be in some creepy warehouse. She didn't know how she got there, or what kind of person would have taken her in.

" Well, look who finally woke up," a voice spoke from the corner of the room.

" Wow, Elisa, my favorite HYDRA thug. Did you get an upgrade? I don't remember your base being so big," Ana quipped.

" You're not the only one who got a promotion, dear."

" Please, enough with the bullshit. What do you want with me now?"

" Me? I don't want anything to do with you. If it were my choice you'd still be crushed amongst the rubble of Sokovia, but I don't have a say. The higher ups think you'll be great leverage for the new friends you've made."

" Please, they all think I'm dead. Speaking of, how did you bring me back? Last I remembered, I was getting ready to fall to my death."

" You remember Elliana, my sister? She volunteered not long after you did."

Ana's eyes went wide, going silent in disbelief. There was no way that was true. The last time she had seen the girl, she was dead. How would she have ever been able to join Hydra?

" You're lying," Ana spat.

" Am I? I guess you'll never know. Just be happy we helped you. I mean, there wasn't much we could do about missing limbs, but I'm sure you'll deal just fine." Elisa spoke, venom lacing her words.

Ana looked down, stunned at what she saw. Her right hand, or lack thereof, was covered in bloody bandages. It looked gruesome, and she probably would have thrown up had she not seen worse. Her left leg was a different story, what was left of it was mangled. Badly done stitches littered the bottom of her thigh or what was left of it. Her entire leg looked broken and bruised, no doubt caused by being crushed by the rubble of the battle.

" Looks bad, right? Imagine what the rest of you looks like right now. Imagine how the Avengers will react when they see you," Elisa taunted.

" Please, you think you can use me to get to the Avengers? Think again, bitch!" Ana growled, spitting in Elisa's face.

Elisa quickly wiped her face, snapping her fingers. Two bulky men walked over, sending a chill down Ana's spine. She had seen them before. It was never good when they were summoned.

" Send her to the chair. Don't erase her memory, just make it hurt. I want her to remember everything." Elis commanded.

The men walked towards Ana, making her heartbeat pick up. She tried to squirm, but her good hand was tied to her body, and her legs were tied together.

They easily picked her up, ignoring the foot she shoved into their backs. She couldn't use her powers. It's as if they had somehow concealed them.

They strapped her to the chair the best they could, forcing the mouthguard in her mouth. She couldn't stop her body from shaking, terrified of what was about to happen.

They pulled down the metal plate, setting it over her eye on one side and on her cheek on the other. They turned the machine on, volts of electricity shooting through her body.

Ana let out an ear-piercing scream as her body spasmed. Her body felt like it was on fire, and she couldn't keep her mind from getting foggy.

The machine stopped. Ana shrank back into the seat, her limbs twitching from the aftershock. Her breath was ragged, and she felt like she was having a heart attack.

The man continued to put her through hell for hours, upping the voltage every so often.

Ana's head was so fuzzy she could barely make sense of what was happening. Her head was pounding and she wanted to pass out. Her stomach hurt from hours of seizing up over and over.

" Alright, boys, that's enough. Take her to the cell in the back. And try to get in contact with the Avengers, or this will have just been a waste of time," Elisa commanded.

" Yes, ma'am," one of the guys replied.

They grabbed her roughly, sending jolts of pain through her arms. She didn't fight as they practically dragged her through the grimy shelter. She just wanted to be alone. It was always better that way.

They threw her into the cell, locking it behind them. Once they left, she couldn't stop the sobs that racked her body. She thought she'd be used to being a personal punching bag after all these years, but she wasn't. She had gotten used to what little freedom she had, even if it did end in her death.

" Ana?" a quiet voice uttered.

Ana looked up, her eyes widening in shock. In front of her stood one of her oldest friends, one she thought was dead.

" El?" Ana tested, disbelief laced into her voice.

" Oh god, I'm so sorry! I tried to stop her, but I couldn't. I can't stop whatever she's doing..." El cried, her face riddled with guilt.

Ana was pulled into a hug, but she couldn't react. She was frozen for the first time since she had died. She couldn't stop herself from being plunged into a memory.

" El please! Help me convince your sister we need to leave! Can't you see? This place is bad for all of us!" Ana shouted, her face bright red in anger.

" I've tried... I'm sorry, Ana, but I can't leave her! If she stays then I'm staying too. You'll just have to leave by yourself." Elliana replied.

Ana looked down, feeling anger bubbling in her chest. Why, why wouldn't they listen to her? They had to know how dangerous it was to stay in the Red Room.

" Fine, but I won't stay to watch you guys suffer! I'm leaving after this mission, and you can tell Elisa I'm not coming back."

" Wait-"

Ana ignored the girl, walking back inside. She had heard enough. She wasn't going to keep torturing herself with people who she might never see again.

" God, I thought I'd never see you again. Why are you here, of all places?" Ana questioned.

" It's a long story, but I'm glad I could be here to help. Don't worry, I have a plan to get you out. Please, just stay strong. I'm not going to let you rot in here." El promised.

Ana held her friend tighter, feeling tears well in her eyes again. She hated to look so weak, especially in front of someone, but this wasn't a moment to care about her pride.

She sat in El's lap, sobbing until she finally passed out. Whether it was from exhaustion or pain, she had no idea.

Elliana's POV-

She slowly removed herself from the broken girl, trying not to wake her up. She never meant to stay so long, worried about getting caught.

Walking out of the cell she grabbed her phone, dialing the only number she still had in her phone.

Making it to her room, she slammed the door shut. She didn't want anyone listening in and this was the only secure place.

" Hello?" Barton answered.

" Clint. It's been a while," El replied.

" Eliana? You've got a lot of nerve calling this number. You know I'll have your location soon."

" I'm counting on it, it's the only way you'll find Ana."

" Ana's dead, El. There's nothing to find,"

" Oh Barton, did you forget about my abilities so easily? You better hurry. I can't promise she'll be here for much longer. Get her out safely. I'll handle my sister."

" You know we'll have to take you into custody."

" Catch me if you can, Hawkeye."

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