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Pietro's POV-

Ana's head slumped, dangling over his arm. He hoped she would stay awake, but she was in worse shape than he had thought.

" Ana, you have to stay with me," Pietro spoke.

Pietro quickly ran to the jet, everyone waiting there to help her. Natasha was the first to meet him, helping him carry her over to the medical bay.

Bruce quickly shoved everyone out, assuring them that Ana would be fine in his care. Only then did they take off.

" I should call Clint, he was really worried," Natasha said.

" He should be here," Steve replied.

" He has his own family, we can't expect him to drop everything. Not everyone can spend their whole life saving the world,"

Natasha walked away, leaving everyone in silence once again.

" Are we sure Ana's going to be okay?" Pietro questioned.

" As long as we get her back to base she'll be fine. She has an array of problems, but all of them are easily fixable. I just need to get to my lab," Bruce informed, reassuring the boy.

" Let's just focus on getting her home," Steve spoke.

It was a long ride back to the compound. Between having to sit for so long and worrying about Ana, Pietro was uncomfortable.

Ana's POV-

Ana opened her eyes, squinting at the brightness of the room. It wasn't the cell she had been in. It looked like a hospital room, too clean and sterile for her.

She tried to bring her arm to her chest, wincing at the tugging on her skin. She looked down at the iv attached to her arm, her heart beat picking up. She tried to pull it out, but a hand grabbed hers.

" Stop, you're going to hurt yourself," Pietro spoke.

" Get away from me!" Ana screamed, jerking her hand away.

She couldn't remember the person speaking to her for a moment, assuming they were one of the guards. She was frightened, trying to get away from them.

Her eyes finally lit in realization, feeling guilty. Pietro looked hurt, and she couldn't blame him.

" I'm sorry,"

" It's okay Ana, just get some rest,"

" Wait-"

He was out the door before she could try to finish her sentence. Wanda walked in, giving Ana a small smile.

" He doesn't blame you Ana, he just has a hard time with these kinds of situations," Wanda spoke.

" It was terrible," Ana replied, out of it," I've gone through this before, but it never gets any better. And Elisa she had her guards... they..."

" Hey, you don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable. I do need you to keep that iv in though,"

" I feel fine,"

" Ana you are still in bad shape. You're malnourished and dehydrated on top of the multiple sprains and fractures you've sustained. Not to mention, Bruce had to re-suture the stitches closing your amputated limbs,"

" I-I can't be here Wanda. It's too sterile in here, it's freaking me out,"

" I'll go get Bruce, I'm sure we can get you out of here," Wanda reassured.

Wanda got up, but Ana quickly grabbed her arm with a shaky hand. She was terrified, and she hated that it was so clear to see.

" Please don't leave me alone," Ana begged.

" I have to go if Bruce is going to get you out of here. I'll be as quick as possible," Wanda promised, giving Ana a reassuring smile.

Ana let go, a frown present on her face as Wanda left the room. She was left alone to her thoughts, a scary place to be. Her eyes glazed over, memories of being tortured flashing through her mind.

She flinched as someone set their hand on her shoulder, ready to attack them. She relaxed, noticing it was only Bruce.

" It's okay Ana, you're not at the Hydra base anymore. You're safe," Bruce spoke.

" Can I get out of here, please?" Ana begged.

" Yeah, we'll get you out of here, but you need to keep the iv in. It'll help you get better sooner,"

" Fine,"

With that Bruce nodded at Wanda, leaving the girls alone.

Wanda's POV-

Wanda walked over to the corner, grabbing a wheelchair and wheeling it over to Ana. She helped the girl into it, pushing her out of the room.

It made Wanda feel better watching as her friend physically relaxed, a little less scared than she had been. She knew why hospital rooms or anything like that were a trigger to Ana, they both had traumatic experiences surrounded by surgical equipment and overly sterile smells. She knew they would never forget it either.

" Do you think they'll keep targeting me?" Ana questioned.

" I don't know, but we'll be here. They won't catch us off guard, we'll protect you," Wanda reassured.

" I don't know if that's possible. You know as well as I do how determined they can be,"

" Don't worry about that right now, focus on getting better,"

Seeing Ana so vulnerable made a lump form in Wanda's throat. That's how you could always tell she was in a bad place. The girl never openly showed her emotions if she could help it, embarrassed by them. She supposed being trained to be emotionless from the age of four did that to a person.

She had made so much progress getting Ana to open up. She hoped this wouldn't halt their progress, or make Ana put her walls back up.

Wanda snapped herself out of her own thoughts. Everything was going to be fine, it had to be. She would be there to help Ana.

She realized they were already at Ana's door.

" I-I can take it from here," Ana spoke.

" Are you sure? You don't have to be alone right now," Wanda replied.

" I just want to be alone right now,"

Wanda nodded, giving Ana a small smile. She knew better than to fight the girl. If she wanted to be alone then that's what she needed.

She watched as Ana opened the door, quickly shutting it in her face. She sighed, going to find her brother.

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