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"We should leave as soon as possible."
"Our baby's life is in danger"Said Mason, my husband

"I don't think it is legal to leave the hospital without registration of your newly born..." Said the doctor

"Could you please give us some privacy, doc?" Said Mason not wanting to include anyone in our family matter.

But I was too panicked to even listen to her, hell my mind wasn't processing shit.

" Lil, you gotta stay strong, it's our miracle baby."said Mason, who was too shocked himself by the looks of our child.

"I don't know how this is possible, being a regular omega I wasn't supposed to give birth to a baby ,who has the claw mark on her waist as well. I hope you know what that means.."I said.

"But she was supposed to only have the claw mark on her left shoulder, why does she have both!?" I said too panicked and tired from the 13 hours of labour.

"Oh my god! I just realised something.! Only the royalty have 2 claw marks, one on their left shoulder like everyone else, and one on the waist which distinguished them from the common citizens."Said a panicked Mason, pacing all around the hospital room.

" We must leave Howl's Arch island within 24 hours, else they'll take her and do God knows what with her." I said

Mason left the room panicked, promised to pack our bags before my discharge from the hospital.

I couldn't hide the fear up my face, and it just increased as time passed.

"Let's go, I've faked your passport as an alpha female and our baby as an alpha female too because no other race than the alphas are allowed to travel outside the island,so better keep quiet during the interrogation, cause they'll search her." Said Mason with all our bags packed and ready to leave.

I just wanted my baby's safety, cause it wouldn't be possible for me to survive if anything happened to my precious baby girl.

If anything happens to her, I'm good as dead

I must leave this horrible place for my baby's better future.

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