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"I swear I miss the island so much, it's horrible here."sighed Antoine, upon seeing us cringe.

"So do I, but we can't return without the lost omega Princess, she is the one chosen by the moon goddess to mate with the pulsur pack." Said Jayden, with a hint of disappointment In his tone.

I kind of felt bad for the lost omega princess, poor her might have to cope up with the most violent pack of the Howl's Arch island.

"I heard they're rapists and often buy beta females for some money."said Aidan, the youngest alpha of our pack.

We are one of the strongest packs of the Howl's Arch island. With me, Antoine and Aidan as the alphas and Jayden and Xavier as the deltas.

" Well, it's not up to us to decide. We're getting paid a hefty amount of money to get this omega back to the royal palace safe and sound." I commented upon seeing their sappy faces.

"I heard that she's got the irresistible scent of strawberries, which would be hard to resist."said Antoine, dreaming of her like a mindless dog.

"Nothing we can't resist! Boys, she's for the pulsur pack, better keep a safe distance from her if you want to live on the island without the fear of your life" I said mockingly.

"Ugh! I fucking hate that pack, such snobs! Their whole arrogance and ignorance is based on their daddy's money. Bet if they wouldn't have that shit, they wouldn't survive in the real world." Argued Jayden

"I just wanna get this shit over with. I miss all my bitches on the island. Oh I wish I was able to see my sweet Lana, how much I'd like to fuck that sassy little attitude of hers Outta her system" said Xavier, the quietest and most intimidating member of our pack.

Xavier works as a dj, here in the human world. Girls get attracted to him, but he believes ain't no human girl got the charm of an omega.

He has a rocky road sorta relationship with his childhood enemy, Lana Gray, an omega whose father holds the position of kings constable. She's too proud, truth be told, but when it comes to Xavier, there's a glimmer of love in her eyes.

Well, who am I to comment, cause we all know that the line between love and hate is thinner than a hair.

"I bet the lost princess is as pretty as princess Carly, the youngest omega in the royal pack" said Aidan.

Well, we are to find out, aren't we!

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