Who are you really

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[Nobodys pov]

Enzo pushed ryuk off

Hey what the fuck is wrong with you I don't even know you like that you bastard[enzo]

It's fine if you don't really know me but we can get to know each other[ryuk]

What the fuck you are a sick im not even interested in you from day one what the hell is going on in your head[enzo]

ryuk justs stands there in silence staring and enzo who is yelling ryuk wanted to say something but he couldn't when he saw enzo he never felt more guilty when he looked at enzo had tears coming down his cheeks even tho ryuk barley knew him he felt like comforting him until he heard enzo mumble something

mumbles i-i hate you don't ever contact me again[enzo]

enzo walked out of the bathroom leaving ryuk shocked as ever ryuk wanted to cry scream kill kidnap him but it would make it worse so instead he let him go because if enzo had stayed lord would have mercy on enzo what ryuk was gonna do to him

[Enzo pov]

What the fuck is wrong with him I mean I didn't mind the kiss but forcing me and saying I'm his I've read to many bls I am not gonna let him take control of me when I looked up I saw a familiar face it was the guy I gave my number to I tried to avoid him but he saw me and came over

[Nobodys pov]

hey where you going your heading out?

Yeah I am sniffs I just need some alone time I said it with a weak smile

no you're not come on follow me im taking you outside

the guy reached out his hand to enzo hesitated but just went along he didn't care who it was as long it wasn't ryuk

so are you gonna tell me know?

I guess but first tell me your name

I'm erebus

Doesn't that name stands for the Greek god of darkness

yep it does I'm glad you figured it out now I told you mine what's yours~

enzo started to blush but he held it down and simply said my names enzo huh I thought your name would be more feminine why would it be feminine well because of your beautiful face litterly no man or women could resist you enzo started to blush more it wasn't the first time someone called him beautiful but when erebus said it made enzo stomach felt like it had butterflies

I gotta go[enzo]

Why you were just gonna tell me what happened[erebus]

I'll tell you next time but I need to go bye[enzo]


[Erebus pov]

Next time ay this is gonna be easier than I thought haha ryuk I'm coming for you and I'm gonna take what you so longed for and make him mine and then im just gonna throw him to the side like the rest sigh what a beautiful day to be alive

[Nobodys pov]

With ryuk

shit shit fuck why did I do that I just lost control to Easley ryuk heard a knock on the door come in it was enzo what I thought you left I was but I changed my mind I just wanna clarity somethings
Um oh yes come ryuk patted the left side of his bed signaling enzo to sit down im good I prefer to stand oh yeah sure so what did you want to talk about

Ok so why did you say I'm yours and who the hell are you really and why is that guy named erebus trying to target me wait what erebus targeting you yeah I guess he thought I was stupid or something trying to butter me up but this wasn't my first time almost get involved in something so I left well so if I tell you would you still hate me

hah dame right I will because whatever u got going on in this house it's getting me involved and I hate it sigh ok so I'm just gonna say it Im a mafia boss and I run the underworld and my family is one of the most powerful people in the world and the people downstairs are filled with mafia people and other's that are in the underworld and I the reason why I hired you because I needed someone clueless enough to be the bait to lure erebus in enzo clenched his fist

BAIT what the hell so you used me

Yes and I'm very sorry I didn't know you would catch on so quick

ok so what if I tell erebus about this whole set-up shit what you're gonna do to me huh rape me put me in dept sell and


Huh what the hell did you say

I said I would have to kill you


yea I know it's shocking but I can't risk my family in danger because of some lowlife person

Lowlife bitch you could've had chosen someone else like Tiffany or some shit and I'm only getting bill money I need more than that just to risk my fucking life for your dumbass



I still need you

For what

I still need you to go to erebus for me

scoff unbelievable

I'm leaving enzo walked out of the office with pure rage he still had the suit on so people automatically assumed that he was still on the clock so people would ask him for a drink but enzo Just ignored them enzo was thinking of a way to get back at ryuk then he realized what he can do enzo Hesitated at first he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number he never thought he would call


Hello who's this

I'll do it

Do what?

I'll be the next heir as long as you promise me something

oh enzo i haven't heard from you ever since you ran away but what do you need

I need someone killed not just anyone he's also a mafia ryuk smith

Heh and what are you doing targeting such a big mafia like that

none of your business I said I'll be the next heir when you retire the title of the mafia King and give it to me

heh the man smirks alright deal but just remember having that title is gonna take a lot of training

it's fine I'll do anything

alright well I'll see you in Mexico

Yeah bye hangs up

Sigh ryuk look what you made me do you played with me know in gonna do the same but worse

You better be prepared for what
I'm gonna do



So you guys are probably confused about what there talking about so in the next chapter it's gonna explain things and who enzo really is bye bye

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