eyes don't lie

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I woke up to my phone ringing i tried to ignore it but it wouldn't give up

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I woke up to my phone ringing i tried to ignore it but it wouldn't give up

I raised my head and stretched my arm out to grab my phone. As soon as I picked it up, I closed my eyes because of the brightness. When I opened them again, I saw that Angela was calling me. I groaned because she never calls me for anything good. Annoyed, I answered the call with a low tone.

What do you want Ryuk said with a raspy voice

I need you to come over to my mansion we are changing the planes

Ryuk didn't say anything he just listened

alright I'll be there bye


Ryuk hung up the phone and placed it on the bed. He stood up and stretched, removing a wedgie in the process. Ryuk got ready for the day and used the bathroom before grabbing his phone and heading downstairs. His maid greeted him, but Ryuk was used to it and walked past her to the table.

"A maid then brought Ryuk his food. He asked for black coffee with a little bit of sugar and no creamer, to which the maid nodded and left to follow her boss's orders.

Ryuk started eating his food, and the maid placed his coffee on the table before shooing herself away. After finishing his meal, Ryuk went to his garage, picked up his Rolls Royce, and called his driver."

Ryuk got in the car getting on his phone while the driver started driving to the destination when Ryuk arrived he went through the gates put his phone down the car finally stopped after it felt like hours of driving

the driver got out to open the door for Ryuk to be greeted by Nikki and Angela he formed a little smile on his face because he could finally see his friend Nikki

(I probably forgot to mention this but Nikki and Ryuk have known each other since they were 5 years old when their parents would hang out)

Nikki hugged Ryuk, who tolerated it despite his dislike of hugs.

Ryuk felt a glare and looked to his left to find a jealous Angela. He quickly let go of Nikki and became serious. "Shall we start the meeting now?" Ryuk asked.

"No, we are still waiting for one more person. His name is Enzo," Nikki replied.

Ryuk scanned the area and spotted a Rose Royce pulling up. The car finally stopped and a handsome man came out, whom he assumed was Enzo. You could tell that he worked out a lot. If Ryuk and Enzo were together, Ryuk would let him.
Ram him all night

Ryuk's face turned red as he shook his head, feeling a gaze upon him. Looking up, he met the eyes of a handsome man staring at him.

short chapter and kinda rushed

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