Chapter 1: The New Life In Central City

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With John

He was being transferred from Indiana to Texas, to Los Angeles to police stations.

John had become a detective to prove his Dad's innocence.

His dad is still in prison.

John didn't really like talking about what happened. 

He rarely opened up.

He walked into the Central City Police Department.

He walked to the desk and said, "Hello. I'm Detective Johnathon Waters. I was told that I was being transferred here from LA."

The lady says "Of course. Captain Singh will see you, now. His office is the one with his name on it. But then again I'm sure you would have found that out."

John nods and he walks into the bullpen.

He walks to the office and knocks on the door.

He hears "Come in!"

John enters and Singh turns around and says "Hello. You are?"

John says "Detective Johnathon Waters, sir. I was told I was being transferred here."

Singh starts to look at his papers and says "Right. It says here your preferred name is Delsin."

John nods and says "That's right, sir. That or John. One of those, sir."

Singh says "I'll give you your badge." and he sides a badge.

Singh asks "Do you have a firearm?"

John moves his jacket reveals his gun holstered on his belt and says "Yes, sir."

Singh says "Good. Now, I read your file. You have a nice closure rate on closing cases. Only failed to stop three cases, that's impressive. When you were 12 your father was arrested for..."

John says "Sir."

Singh looks up and John says "I don't like talking about that subject, sir. Mostly, cause people never believe what I have to say."

Singh says "You can tell me, Waters. I'll believe you. Just like I believed one of my officers."

John sighs and says "The report is not right on what my father did."

Singh asks "What's not right?"

John took in a deep and shaky breath and said, "It says my father child molested a child. Or two. That did not happen, sir. I was there that night. I saw. He didn't do those things. He did hurt those girls. I swear to you, sir."

Singh sighs and says "I believe you. So, why does the report say that..."

John says "Cause of my aunt. She called the cops. One of the girls was her daughter. The other... was my niece. My dad didn't touch them and he didn't do anything sexual with them, sir. If he did I wouldn't be defending him."

Singh nods and says "And since your aunt, called the cops, he was..."

John says "Wrongfully arrested. Yes."

Singh says "It also says that your dad is..."

John says "In Iron Heights. I know. He asked if he could be moved closer to me since I was moving. And I told them I was a cop. So they let it happen."

Singh nods and says "From what I can tell... you're a great cop. But it says you are a hothead and tend to do things against regulations."

John says  "I had one incident, sir. The guy was getting under my skin and I let him."

Singh nods and asks "How did he get under your skin?"

John sighs and says "He talked about my deceased fiancée, sir."

Singh nods and says "You're gonna have to talk to a therapist if you want to continue working here."

John nods and says "I know. I had to talk to a therapist when I was in the other police department, sir."

Singh says "It also said you had suicidal tendencies?"

John says "I used that as an excuse to continue talking to my therapist."

Singh nods and says "Thank you for your honesty. Honestly, if you had that, I wouldn't employ you here."

John asked, "Why not? I mean, other police stations would hire me, as long as I talked to a therapist."

Singh says "That's true. But I don't want officers that don't respect themselves, Waters. From what I can tell you're a good kid. Just hurt in some areas. But I can tell that you want to do good."

John says "I do, sir. I also, want to find a way to a way to... save my dad."

Singh says "Kid. That's gonna be nearly impossible. Due to the kids saying that he did it."

John says "They told CPS that it didn't happen, sir. They put in the report that he did and lied on file, sir. Isn't there something we can do? Anything, please."

Singh sighs and says "We're gonna have to work our way up to that, kid. But for now, I want you to be partnered with Detective Joe West."

John says "I've already had a partner, sir. I prefer to work alone. Only Detective Murtaugh is the person I would work with."

Singh says "It's fine. But, West is a good man. He has a good record like Murtaugh from what I understand."

John sighs and says "Ok. I'll be his partner."

Singh says "Good. He's at his desk. I'm sure you can look for his name."

John nods and gets up and walks out.

John saw a name tag that said West and he walked over and asked, "Detective Joe West?"

He turns and says "Yes, how can I help you?"

John said, "I'm Detective John Waters. I was assigned to be your partner."

Joe says "Okay. It's nice to meet you, kid."

They shake hands.

Joe says "Come on. There's someone else I want you to meet."

John says "Sure, sir."

Joe says "You can call me, Joe, kid."

John says "You can call me John, Joe."

Joe nods and says "You got it, John."

They walked upstairs and walked to a lab.

Joe says "Barr! We got a new detective here."

The man looked up and said, "Hello. I'm Officer Barry Allen. CSI."

John says "Detective John Waters."

They shake hands.

Then a girl walked in and said, "Hey, Dad. Barry."

The boys turn to see a black girl coming in and she smiles.

John was smitten by her as he just stared.

The girl says "Hi, I'm Iris West."

John says "H-hi. I'm Detective John Waters."

Iris says "Nice to meet you, Detective Waters."

Joe says "This is my daughter. As I'm sure you can tell by the last name."

John nods and says "Yeah."

Joe says "She's also the fiancée of Barry."

John then loses his smile and says "Oh. That's nice. How long have you two been..."

Barry says "Uh. We've been together for... a while."

Iris says "Yeah. It's been nice."

John nods and says "Well, I have to go. It's getting late."

Joe says "All right. I'll see you tomorrow, partner."

John nods and leaves.

He sighs and says to himself "Man. I just keep falling for the ones already taken. Liz would be disappointed in me."

He then decided to go home.

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