Chapter 5: The A.R.G.U.S. Heist

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John and Iris had gotten closer over these past few weeks.

John couldn't imagine life without her.

He hoped he could save her.

24 hours before Iris West dies

After a month, John and Iris were sharing a bed.

They both were still up looking at the ceiling.

John says "Iris?"

She rolls over, looks at John, and says "You know what I'd love right now?"

John rolls towards her and says "Anything you want.'

Iris says "Caviar."

John asks "Caviar?"

Iris nods and says "Mmm-hmm."

John says "Okay. Well, it's just a little late, so it might be hard for me to find a place that's open that has it. But I'll find an assortment."

Iris smiles and says "Thank you."

John says "Just stay with me, okay? The whole team's working on this. And we can accomplish a lot in 24 hours."

Iris says "I know we can. I'm fine, John. Really."

John kissed her.

He got out of bed and said, "Get some caviar."

He grabbed his watch and teleported out of there with lightning.

Iris sighed crawled to his side and grabbed his phone.

She fixed her hair and started to record a message.

Iris says "Hi, John. Um... There's something that I need to say to you."


During Day time

John was getting his shoes on when his phone rang.

John answers and says "Detective Waters."

John says "Hey, Cisco. What? Where? All right, I'll come pick up you and Barry." and he ends the call.

Iris walks over and asks "What is it?"

John says "Uh... Really good news."


John, Barry, and Cisco walk over when they see Lyla.

Barry had told John about her.

Barry says "Lyla."

Cisco says "Hey."

John says "Hi." as he waves.

Lyla says "Gentlemen."

Cisco says "It's a wee bit chilly."

Barry and John say in unison "Yeah."

Cisco asks "Want to take this inside?"

Lyla says "Every square inch of that building is bugged. Figured it was better to talk out here."

Cisco says "Okay. I love the breeze on days like this."

Barry says "Yeah. Yeah."

Lyla says "So I got your message, but you're gonna have to run me through exactly what you need again."

Barry says "Yeah."

Cisco says "So we're building a cannon..."

John says "Right."

Cisco says "Bazooka thing. It's a sort of trap."

John says "In order to turn it on, we need something to power it, something extremely powerful and regenerative."

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