Chapter 9: Nora Trish Waters, Part 2

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In the Speed Lab

Nora noticed her dad on the ground and yelled, "Dad?!"

John was lying on the ground passed out.

Nora then ran over to her dad and started to check on him.

Meanwhile in the cortex

Everyone is trying to figure out what to do next when suddenly a loud crash is heard coming from the speed lab everyone rushes down and sees John on the ground passed out.

Lizzy, Iris, and Leah say in unison "What happened?"

Nora looks at them and says "I don't know all I saw was red then Daddy was on the ground."

Lizzy sighs and says "I know what happened."

Iris asks "What happened?"

Lizzy says "Nora has Dissociative Identity Disorder that triggers when Nora's mad and Dad is on the receiving end of Nora's alter ego who likes to be called Claire."

Nora sighs and says "Claire doesn't like we're yelled at unless it's Lizzy or Leah."

Barry looks at Nora and shouts "Are you serious?! Your Dad is unconscious, and you're giving excuses."

Nora's eyes flash red and Leah says "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Barry yells "Why not?! I mean, she's just coming up with excuses, and her dad is on the ground!"

Nora's eyes go completely red and Lizzy says "That's why... Hi Claire."

Claire? looks at Lizzy, rolls her eyes, and says sarcastically, "Hello, Lizzy."

Claire? turns to Barry with a murderous look on her face Lizzy recognizes that look and says "Claire, don't do anything stupid."

Claire looks at Lizzy and says "Too late." with a mischievous grin.

Claire speeds at Barry, then stops in front of him with her hand vibrating going towards his chest.

Lizzy sees this and speeds Barry out of the way

Iris looks at Claire and says "Nora, why would you do that?"

Claire looked at Iris and shrugged her shoulders and wings made of pure red lightning, Then they all saw the shadows of the red lightning wings fold out as she looked at Team Flash.

Claire smirked and said, "Sorry, Nora's not at the phone, please leave a message."

Leah looks at Claire and says "Calm down, you psychotic bitch."

Claire rolled her eyes and her wings disappeared within the light.

Lizzy said, "Leah!" with a mother tone.

Leah looks at Lizzy and says "What?" with an innocent tone in her voice while smirking.

Lizzy rolls her eyes and says "Watch your damn mouth, little girl."

Claire looks at Leah and laughs while saying "Haha you got in trouble."

Lizzy looks at Claire and says "You're in trouble too, you know. Now let Nora out!"

Claire looks at Lizzy, smirks, and says "No thanks."

Claire walks over to the mirror that is in the Speed Lab.

Claire smirked and said, "How are you doing, Nora." as she looked into the mirror and saw the reflection moving.

Nora said, "Let me take over."

Claire smirks at Nora and says ""

Both Nora and Claire punch the mirror in the same place, leaving cracks to form.

Claire smiles and says "Enjoy the ride, Nora."

John started to groan as he held his head.

Claire smirks at John and says "Look at that, the deadbeat Dad is waking up."

John looks at her and says "Nora?"

Lizzy says "Not Nora. She has an alternate personality. This is Claire. She's practically Nora's evil twin but in her body. And she hates basically everyone, but Leah and me."

John looks at Claire and says "So you're the one who threw me across the Speed Lab?"

Claire looks at John, smirks, and says "Hell yeah, one of the best moments in my four years of existence."

Claire said, "I'll let the good little girl out now." and her eyes looked up and showed the white in her eyes.

Her face started to turn red and Nora fell to the ground and when she looked up, she saw her family looking at her.

Nora looks at Leah and Lizzy and says "What did Claire do this time?"

Leah and Lizzy both explained what happened and when they were finished John, Cisco, Joe, and Barry all received a phone call from a crime scene

John looks at Iris and says "Sorry, honey. It's work."

Joe says "Come on, you three. I'll take you there."

And the group of men left.

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