Chapter 2

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Friday, December 24, 1845.

I was sitting at my desk in my office, re-reading summons letters.
It was already late, midnight was about to strike.
The others must surely be celebrating at this time.

One particular letter caught my attention.
It was informing me about a murder, I had never been contacted for that, it's not the kind of business I usually deal with.
But this letter described a carnivorous murder, the victim had apparently been shredded to pieces.

More on the page was describing another similar murder that had happened just yesterday.
But the most surprising thing was that it was about the murder of Mr.Stilman.
He had been found dead in horrible conditions in his living room.

I folded the letter and put it in my coat pocket.
I killed the candle that sat on the desk and returned to my apartment on the floor above.


Saturday, December 25, 1845.

Was writing an account of a case at the cafe opposite my residence.

I closed the notebook, annoyed, and took out this famous letter that I had found the day before and read it again.
A pack entrust to a paranormal investigator.
A case that could redo my career.

I tore out a page from the logbook and began to write to the sender.

Mr. Pilguez.

He was a journalist on paranormal cases that are not elucidated.

I folded the piece of paper, put it in my pocket, finished my coffee in one sip and went to the post office.


     Monday, December 27, 1845

Two days later and the answer finally came from Mr.Pilguez.

He gave me an appointment at his house in the afternoon.
With his response, he had sent pictures of the two murders.

In the photos, we were showing dilapidated bodies, real human rags, some pieces were missing.

He had explained to me in his letter that the police had closed the case saying that it was the work of an animal such as a reager dog or a young bear.

But he didn't believe a word of it.

I observed the photos a little more, on that of Mr.Stilman we could see that his body had been dismantled but not eaten, as if he had been tied behind a horse on a gallt on a pebble road.
The photos of the other victim were similar but pieces of flesh were missing, like tearing appart from the body.

Of course, I had already done my research.

What kind of animal could have done that.

A similar case took place in France.
For a time, between June 30, 1764 and June 19, 1767, between 88 and 124 inhabitants of a village were killed in a similar manner.

" The Gevaudan's beast "

They finally killed the beast but it was buried in Paris, no remains were found, no one nowadays knows what animal it was.

In French newspapers they described the animal as resembling a wolf, bigger, but from behind, it was unlike any animal known to man at the time.
They sometimes only buried an arm or a head found separated from a body after an attack.
Nowadays it could always be a wolf, at this time of year the food is rare, it would not be surprising if they decided to venture into town.

But why the local authorities do not launch an alert?
It would be wiser to warn the habitants if wolves or a bear were in town to avoid carnage as in France in the last century.

Werewolf was in the newspapers at the time.

I dare to think that is the reason why Mr.Pilguez contacted me.

Man-dogs who eat other human, there is one even better than returners from beyond the grave!

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