Chapter 18

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                    Friday February 5, 1846

I had been waiting for five minutes in front of the restaurant where Pilguez was supposed to meet me.
The meeting was supposed to be for 9 p.m., it was currently 9:06 p.m.

He was never very punctual.

- Sunghoon ! Im surprised you're there to be honest.
- I am even more.
- It's cold, don't you think? Let's go inside.

He walked to the entrance of the place and opened the door for me by himself.
We got in and a waiter placed us on a table for two.

- You won't choose anything?
- We both know we're not there to eat.
- Mhm right. So, tell me, why are you there?
- For the same reason as you, to find the murderer.
- Aah Sunghoon, I don't know if you're a really good liar or just ignorant.

He drank an unique sip of wine and didn't say anything for a time. He was the one breaking silence first, obviously.

- The night gonna be long if we stay in the secret.
- Maybe it's because of the place choice.
- You would prefer a most discreet place?
- Is that surprising? I dare to believe that what's waiting for me deserve to stay away from the people in there.
- Of course, let's go to my place, I have something to show you.


We actually went to his house. Everything was fine, I think.

Then I had a blackout.

I open my eyes to see only the ceiling.
It took me a moment to remember the place. I didn't move, taking the time to try to regain my composure.

What happened?

What time is it?

I raise my arm to check my watch.


Focusing a little better I realized that my entire hand was blood red.
And I realized at the same time that my whole body felt wet.
I sat on the ground, that was also wet of the reddish liquid, blood?

Looking around I saw the living room of Pilguez in a state that started to get a little bit too familiar to me.

I stand back up and looked around again.

My mind was like, paused.

Pilguez, where was he? And in what state?

I move around the Journalist's office walking in the reddish pool that was spreading on the floor.
The desk was covered with paper and books, my first instinct was to check if I found anything there.

Nothing could have prepared me to see what I saw.

When my eyes paused at the wall my heartbeat got wilder.

On the wall was hanging the newspaper of the recent murders, and in the middle of these was my face.

I tried to take the picture but my hand stopped when I saw the blood on it again.
My whole arms were stain with fresh blood.
This vison provoked more.
Like flash, I saw Pilguez screaming trying to get himself away, from me.

I panicked, I needed to run away from this place the faster I could.

Flickering, I got to the door and got out of this madness.

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