Chapter 8

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                     Sunday January 8, 1846.

This morning, it's an urgent letter that greets me when I wake up, Informing me of a new murder.

So I was at the scene of the crime.
A shredded body was lying on the floor of a cobbled alley in front of me.

- What do you think ?
- Shut up Pilguez, you are not even supposed to be there.

The journalist did not care about what I told him, he continued to take pictures.

- If I didn't have been there you wouldn't even be aware of this murder.
- You see, we are in the street of my usual cafe that also happen to be  the street of my apartment, I would have ended up finding this corpse, just the pestitential smell would have given me an idea.
- The smell? It's so cold ! It would have been frozen it wouldn't have a smell, you're not a hunting dog ! You owe me a thanks!
- A hunting dog you say.
- Yes ?

There are only a few hunters in this town, maybe five of six, which means one or three dogs for each of them.

Of course! Why hadn't I thought of that sooner!

A pack.

It's much easier to kill bigger than you are  when you are more than one!
Like wolves, hunting dogs trained for this could have attacked an adult man if there were more than one.

Just need check the bites to be sure.
But on this corpse, there are only very few very clear bite marks, just like on the first one, there are more bits having been torn off.

- Pilguez, go ask questions to the people at the café.
- Ah! See! You need me !
- Only when you shut up. Now go.
- Yes sir !

He mimics a soldier and leaves.

Hunting dogs?

It still seems unlikely to me, and yet it's the most believable hypothesis I've had so far.

- Hello Mr. Non-Policeman! So you didn't lied to protect some kind of super secret. Oh, what a corpse, more like rest in pieces than rest in peace.
- You have absolutely no right to be there.
- Oh, but I was only passing by you know-

The waiter pretended to observe the surroundings with a silly air.

- Kim Sunoo.
- Park Sunghoon!
- Go away.
- But I already saw creepy things ! Because of you even ! And, because of you and your new dead friend customers don't come today ! So I have a lot of free time if you wonder.
- I dont wonder anything about you. There is a new pastries shop at the end of the street, apparently their cupcakes are excellent, you should go.
- It's our competition!
- No one will know.
- Ok, then only if you come with me !
- No, thanks, Im not hungry anyways.
- You're right, all these werewolf affairs must cut your appetite.

Appetite? When was my last meal? This case takes me so much time I even forget to feed myself.

- Wait what? Werewolf? Who told you this ?
- Your coworker! He is very kinder than you by the way.
- Firstly, he isn't my coworker, secondly, it's not a werewolf case.
- But you hunt monsters ?
- Yes and no. Only the one that the human mind creat by itself.
- A therapist?
- No.
-  So you are actually a scammer.

I stared at him without even responding.

- Go away, let me work in peace.
- Yes of course, but don't forget, you owe me a cupcake!
- If you say so.

He smiled and disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

Pilguez joins me a few minutes later, telling me that a few locals did hear some animal growls last night, but no one had come out because the dog fights in the area were far too frequent for anyone be alarmed.

Again no eyewitnesses.

I finally send Pilguez at his house, somehow, and went home myself.

While emptying the pockets of my coat I find a small note that seems to have been ripped from a notebook.

" Tomorrow 1 p.m. at the pastry shop at the end of the street, apparently their cupcakes are excellent~ "

I smile in spite of myself and put the paper on my desk, to be seen.

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