Chapter 16

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                 Thursday January 26, 1846

The first thing I did after waking up was to go look for a new vase for Sunoo's flowers.
Dare I imagine what kind of scene I would got if he came again and see the flowers dying on a shelf without any vase.

- Sunghoon! It's been awhile! You still haven't accepted my dinner invitation.
- Not so long, since you follow me everywhere.

Pilguez came to stand in front, reaching out to me.

- Where are you going with a vase, capturing a phantom? Need some help?

His face burned red by the cold made him look even more insupportable.

- Get lost, I need to go to my home.

I tried to finish with him but he grabbed my hand and shake it in a really weird way.

- Pilguez, what is your freaking problem?
- Im returning the question to you. No glove in this winter? Oh to not hurt that? It's not really pretty what you have there.

He looked down at my hand.

- Allergy to flowers? The vase give the hint. In any hasard was it purple flowers?

Surprise took place on my face.

- Pilguez, go away, and leave me alone for god sake.

I free myself and finally go home.

How did he guessed?
I simply hope that he didn't followed Sunoo or was he spying him this whole time.
I swear if that's it I will tear of his head by myself.

Arriving in my office, I took a tissue to pick up the flowers and place them in the new vase.
I take a look at my injury.
My skin was burned just like i put it right in a fire. It was a good thing I never put any flowers at my place before, but at least now I know about that new weakness.
Also noticed that I lost my ring.
It's been some days already, I think.

On the other hand, I shouldn't tell about Sunoo about it, he would feel guilty and become hysterical trying to be forgiven.


I had more important things to do.


The whole day passed and I was still blocking.
I have 10 days to find something to do before the next murder.
I should talk bout it to the authorities, they could put an alert telling to the residents to stay at home on the night of the 5th.

Pilguez came back to my mind once again. His dinner thing more precisely.
When was my last meal?
That realization got me in a weird chock.
It have been days since I have eaten something other than coffee, and I wasn't even hungry.

Between the stress and the lack of time I think I forgot about feeding myself.
I would eat something later, Im still not hungry.

The image of Jackman head rolling on the ground to me feet came back in my mind.
Not surprising that i have lost appetite.


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