Chapter 20

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                  Saturday February 6, 1846

Like the day before, when I opened my eyes I only saw the ceiling. But instead of lying in a puddle of blood, I was lying on Sunoo's couch, covered with at least two blankets.
He wasn't awake yet, it must have been still early, no noise was heard from outside.
For a moment my body refused to move, when I finally managed to turn around, the pain in my chest came back.

Aah he really didn't hit softly.

I sat up on the couch.
The events of last night came back to me more clearly and my heart raced once again.

What gonna happen now?

I thought about all this for a moment, there was no word other than monster that came to mind.
I was a monster and a murderer, and I couldn't even explain it to myself.

I refuse to think about it any longer, I would go crazy.

All movements were difficult because of the pain in my chest.

I took the bottom hem of my clothes to remove it and assess the damage.
The entire left half of my chest was burned, the fabric did nothing to stop it.

- He really didn't miss the coach.
- Im sorry but it's all that came to my mind on the moment.

My head quickly turns to the owner of this voice.

- Good morning Sunghoon. You... Are you alright?

I return my gaze to my chest and sigh.

- I had better moments.
- For sure...

He slowly approached the sofa from which I had not moved since I woke up.

- So. You are a..?

I turn my head towards him again.

- Please don't say anything.

He frowned and continued anyway.

- You are a werewolf.

With another groan I fell back on the couch, looking up at the roof.

- Excuse myself but, I think that this option to explain what happened last night is way more better than if you had been a crazy man under drugs that had killed peoples because he thought he was a dog.
- It's the only worst option you had?
- Sorry but it's the first time I have to comfort a wolf man.

Nothing was worth answering.

Sunoo moves to the living room chair and sits in silence.
I returned to my sitting position and stared at him.

- I can't believe this is the first time this has happened to you. You still burned me pretty good.
- Im sorry!

His gaze fell on the mark of which he was the author.

I thrown one of the blankets on him.

- For someone who is so keen to keep me warm, I find that your face is often cold.

He get the blanket away from his face that was even more reddish now.

- Nothing to do with that! And now you don't need my supervision anymore you have natural winter coat.
- Sunoo.

Maybe my tone was a bit to cold. But he shut.

- Thank you.
- For tormenting your skin? Two times...
- The first time wasn't intentional, but yes, thank for that, somehow.
- I just didn't wanted to be the sixth person to be digested by you.
- Really?
- No.

He lowered his head seeming to find his fingers more interesting than anything else.

- What are you going to do now?
- Good question. It's a bit messy in my head.
- Not surprising, 24h ago you didn't even believe in your own existence.
- Im the most surprised one.

He raised his head in a burst of excitement.

- But if you keep some Wolfsbane with you at every full moon night you'll be alright!
- At what price. And it don't change the fact that I killed many people.
- But it was involuntary...
- Not sure...For some of them.
- You weren't conscious!
- Not anymore.
- Sunghoon! Why are you so pessimistic!
- Im realistic.
- Sunghoon Park!

He got up from the chair and sat down again, immediately dropping down.

- The ban on crying is not lifted.
- Stop it.

My eyes followed the way of his tears on his face.

- Why are you crying?
- Because of you!
- Me?
- Yes! You! Who else? And it's stupid because you must be the one suffering the most in all this situation...
- I need to go home.
- What? You're going?

I finally get up from the couch, grab my clothes and put it back on, and put on my coat.

- But Sunghoon, what are you going to do?
- I need to go, I have a review to make for the authorities.

He wiped off his tears with the back of his hand and came to me.

- A review? You're going to give yourself just like that? But Sunghoon! If they learn about you they will...
- I will tell them what they want to hear. Pilguez murder won't be discovered before the next 24h, I'll tell them that he was the one that killed all these people, to prove his point? Anyways, I'll find something, I will tell them that he killed himself after that.
- Well...But promise me to not do anything that could bring you trouble...
- What do you mean ?
- I don't know ! I just want to make sure you'll be alright.
- We will see.
- Promise me!
- I'll try.
- Sunghoon.

He pinched his nose bridge out of desperation and leads me by force to the front door and opened it.

- Be prudent please.
- I would tell you the same, but you already let the wolf sleep under your roof last night.
- You already told me to be anyways.
- And you could make it apparently.

He pushed me outside without answering and closed the door to my face.


I have things to do now.

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