Chapter 5

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               Thursday, December 30, 1845

My mind has never had time to rest for four days already.
This case takes me time and gonna take me, for sure, still a lot more.
So I decided to take this morning to sit at the cafe across the street after sending a letter to the lawyer in the case hoping for a response.

It was colder than usual today, probably because the month was coming to an end, and the hot coffee flowing through my body felt good.

The cafe was almost empty, only a few consumers came and left immediately.

I had installed in front of me the photos that I had collected from Pilguez as well as the first ones that he had sent me in his letter.
Watching them over and over wasn't getting me anywhere, but I needed to find more clues than I already had.
Only a few links had been made between the photos of the bodies, the places, and some notes that I had at Stilman's.

I took a sip of coffee and stared at my stuff spread out in front of me.

- You seem rather annoyed to me, am I wrong?

I looked up at the server who had taken his place in front of me and who had taken possession of one of the photos to view it.

- It's not very very nice to see all that... Are you a policeman? What happened?

I was so surprised by the lack of embarrassment of the individual who found himself in front of me.

- It's a private matter.
- Private? Why post all that here then?


- Please, put these down.

He puts them down but does not take his eyes off them tough.

- Is it a murder?
- Maybe.
- Do you already have suspects?
- Not really, no.

He dropped the images from his eyes to stare at me.

- Really? No one ?
- It's complicated.
- Obviously! But no intuition?
- Intuitions not gonna help me.

He frowned and grabbed two more photos.

- Is that a serial killer?
- Maybe.
- You don't really sound nor look like a policeman.
- Good, turn out well because I'm not.
- No matter. You don't seems to be really serious.

He stared at me again with a funny expression on his face.

- why is that?
- You come at a coffee place to look at macabre pictures and you aren't even a policeman, and you got zero suspects!
- You want suspects? It could be anyone, the butler of the victim, the journalists who contacted me, the police who don't say nothing 'bout this, even the victim's dog ! Or even you yourself who can be the assassin who comes to see how the investigation is progressing.
- That's a lot of "Maybe"
- See, it's a complicated and delicate affair.
- Or maybe you are the incompetent one.

He looked at me with a mischievous gaze which greatly displeased me.

- Of the two of us, I think it's you who's doing your job badly.
- The coffee is bad ? But you took it two time already!
- The coffee perfect thank you, but you are there sitting at my table trying to teach me my own work instead of doing yours.
- But none is there.

When he finished his sentence my door opened and a woman entered the room.

- You should go.
- Yes.

He stood up and got away.

I took my things and put them all in my file.
It had been a bit too much for me already.
I collected my things and went to leave.

- Mister fake policeman!

I turn to the waiter with a questioning look on my face.

- By the way, you are ?
- Park Sunghoon.
- Kim Sunoo, I'm enchanted.

He smiled at me and I turned back to go.

- Park Sunghoon!

Cut in my move I turned back at him again.

- What this time ?
- Don't forget, it can be anyone.

He blinked at me and I finally got to go away annoyed by all this situation.


On the way back home his words came back to my mind.

Could be anyone.

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