Chapter 6

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                Friday, December 31, 1845

Still no news from the medical examiner.
The new year is here and I'm still on this murder case that keeps going around in circles.
No new elements likely to advance the investigation.

Honestly, I don't know where to look anymore, I have no idea what any of this means, except the fact that it could only be the work of an animal.
The forest guards and the population of the edges of the woods didn't bring me anything either, unfortunately.

I only have guesses and "maybes"

I am in an impasse.

If we assume that it is indeed a bear or a wolf the culprit, which is unlikely in Mr. Stilman's case, the beast must have been desperately hungry to come and kill in town.

But no one saw or heard anything, found anything related to animals tracks in the area.
This case makes no sense.

My train-to-kill dog hypothesis still applies.

But in this case he makes me identify the dog to find its owner, and without the results of the medical examiner, it is not impossible,  but much more complicated to do.

A killer dog must be large and powerful enough to kill a man and tear off pieces of flesh, which already eliminates a large part of the breed.
And only well placed peoples people can afford these kinds of dogs in this town, which also sorts out the population.

My question would be, why would a dog eat a human body instead of simply killing it?

It could also be considered that the torn pieces would have been eaten by crows, foxes or other local scavengers after the killing.

But I can't be sure without the DNA results, plus, the bites marks are to big to be a fox.

I exclude the idea of ​​human cannibalism.
Who would break into Mr. Stilman's house to devour him and not even finish the job or move the body?

The differences between the two murders are too disconcerting.
Stilman could have been killed by his butler and his daughter's dog, but the other victim? They have nothing in common.
I even come to wonder if all this is not a pure coincidence.

Two people killed the same month in the same city, in a similar way but without personal links.

This case is slipping through my fingers.

So my only plausible remaining theory would be dog and man, and that's what I'm sticking to for now.

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