Chapter 1

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Thomas and Ellie have recently gotten home from the hospital when Thomas' cell phone begins to ring. "Hey, Kara," he greets her, "Something's been kidnapping children and you don't know what it is?. That's not fun. There's been the same mark left at the crime scene? Send me a picture of the mark and I'll ask her about it." He sighs. "I want her to stay home and rest, but Julia cleared her today, so I won't be able to keep her home. Yeah, we'll see you soon." He hangs out and yells for Ellie.

"What is it?" she responds, sounding hoarse.

"Kara called. Guess what? Something is kidnapping children. Kara has no idea who or what it is."

"That's fun."

"Yeah, no it's not. Kara says that there's been a mark left behind at each of the crime scenes. She sent me a picture, look at it and tell me what you think." He hands her his phone.
Ellie takes the phone and examines the photo for a few minutes. "Thomas, this is bad. This is really bad."

"You know who's been kidnapping the children? Isn't that a good thing?"

"No, because of who it is. If I'm correct about this mark, one of the Unseelie courts of the fae is kidnapping children."

"Ah dammit, just our luck. Of course, it has to be the Unseelie Court and not the Seelie Court that we have to deal with."

"It's in their names, malevolent and blessed."

"I suppose I won't be able to convince you to stay home?"

"No, I'm not letting you go to the Unseelie Court without me."

"I'll take Matt..."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Ellie, you just got out of the hospital! Your cough isn't even gone!"

"I'll be okay, at least the fae aren't large monsters."

(sigh) "I guess so, come on let's get ready and go."

Ellie nods and follows Thomas to their weapons room. "The fae are extremely weak to iron," she states.


They gather their weapons and begin to head out. On their way out, they room into Marie and Matt. "Where are you two going?" Marie asks, with a raised eyebrow.

"The Unseelie Court is kidnapping children," Thomas says, "We need to go deal with it."

"Ellie, shouldn't you be resting?" Matt asks, sounding worried.

"I'm fine," Ellie states, matter of factly, "I'm not letting Thomas go to the Unseelie Court without me and no you aren't going to replace me either."

"You just got out of the hospital!"

"Yeah, and?"

"You should be resting?"

"When have I ever done that without Julia's extremely strict orders?"

(sigh) "There's no arguing about this with you is there?"

"No, there isn't. Thomas will be with me, he'll keep me alive."

"That isn't comforting at all."

Ellie shrugs and follows Thomas out the door. The drive to the station is silent. Once Thomas has parked the car, they head into the building to speak with Kara before going off and dealing with the Unseelie Court. 

Dark Enchantments: The Demise of the Dusk CourtWhere stories live. Discover now