Chapter 10

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He leaves the room and calls Kara. "Hey, Kara," he says once she's picked up.

"Thomas?" she answers, sounding confused, "Why are you calling me? Is Ellie okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to update you on her condition. Her fever is at a much more manageable place now. Hopefully, Julia lets her go home in a day or so."

Kara sighs. "That's good. Hopefully the fever will stay away this time."

"Fingers crossed. I need to go now, I promised Ellie I wouldn't be gone long."

"Alright, let me know when you guys are home."
"I will. Talk to you later." He puts his phone in his pocket and walks back to Ellie's hospital room. "Ellie, I'm back."

"She's asleep," Marie answers.

"Did she eat?"

"Yeah, she did after I ate first."

Thomas looks worried. "What do you mean?"

"She had a nightmare. Didn't she tell you?"

"No, she told me she wasn't hungry!"

"Thomas! You're going to wake her up."

He sits down. "Why wouldn't she tell me?"

"She probably didn't want to worry you."

He sighs. "That sounds like her."

"She probably didn't want to stress you out more than you already are."

"That also sounds like her."

Thomas and Marie continue to talk with each other until Ellie wakes up again. "Marie?" she murmurs upon waking up.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Marie replies, "how are you feeling?"

"I...I am d....dizzy."

Thomas stands up and reaches his hand out to feel her forehead. He pales. "Your fever is back," he states.

"!" Ellie cries out, "I w...want to g...go h...home."

"I'm going to text Julia."

He stands up and takes out his phone, sending a quick message to Julia. "Julia, Ellie's fever is back."

"I'm on my way," Julia responds, rather quickly.

Julia comes into the room a few minutes later. "Sweetheart," she says, "may I take your temperature?"

"O...okay," Ellie mumbles.

Once the thermometer goes off, Julia looks at it and sighs. "Sorry, sweetheart, you'll have to stay here for now."

"I w...want to g...go h...home."

"I know, hon. I promise you I'll let you go home as soon as I can."

Ellie simply begins to cry again. "Ellie!" Thomas says, looking concerned, "It's okay, please don't cry! You'll make yourself sicker!"

"I w...want g....go h....home!"

He sits down on the bed and pulls her into a hug. "I know, kitten," he reassures her, "you need to stay here, so you can get better. I'll stay here with you too, okay?"

" promise?"

"I promise."

Ellie looks worried. "Who will go on hunts with Matt?"

"I'll go," Marie states, "just until you're well enough."

Ellie looks around the room, nervously biting on her lip. "But...but the l...last t...time..."

"Don't worry, Matt and I will be more careful this time. I promise."

She looks uncertain at her best friend. "O...okay." 

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