Chapter 11

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A few days later, Ellie learns that a different Unseelie Court is causing trouble. "Thomas?" she asks, "What do you mean an Unseelie Court is causing trouble? Didn't we deal with that?"

"We did," Thomas says, sounding annoyed, "but somehow a different Unseelie Court heard about what we did and now they're causing trouble."

"Matt and Marie are not going to deal with them!" she shouts.

"Ellie, someone has to deal with them."

"I know that! You know how it went last time! Remember? The dark magic was too intense for you and you collapsed!" She begins to cough violently.

"Ellie?" Thomas stands up and gently rubs her back.

Her coughing fit stops after a few minutes. "I...I'm o...okay."

"You should rest," Thomas says softly, his eyes lingering worriedly at his sister.

"No! We need to finish this conversation!"

"Ellie, please rest! I promise you I'll tell Kara not to send Matt and Marie, okay? You'll make yourself sicker if you don't rest!"

"Call Kara and tell her now!"

"Okay! Okay, I will." He stands up and callsKara.

She answers and asks, "Thomas? Why are you calling me? Is Ellie..."

"Ellie's fine," Thomas replies, "remember how you told me that there's another Unseelie Court causing trouble?"


"Ellie told me to tell you that you can't send Matt and Marie."

"I wasn't going to, Thomas, do you think I'm stupid? Why would I send them when going to the first Unseelie Court was what caused Ellie to get so sick?"

Thomas sighs, "Yeah, I figured. Ellie, she was worried you might send them. She wanted me to call you and tell you that you can't let them go."

"Did she refuse to rest until you did?"

"Yep, I've got to go now. I need to make sure she rests."

"Alright, keep me updated on her condition, please."

"I will." He puts his phone back in his pocket. "She isn't going to send them, Ellie."

Ellie looks relieved. "T...that's good," she says softly.

"Will you please rest now?"

Ellie nods and curls into a fetal position. It only takes a few minutes for her to fall asleep. 

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