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Galaxy grunts opening his eyes tiredly, body sore from the beating. He looked up and yelped, he saw this giant sun themed robot standing over him looking down at him with big bright blue pupils. His heart wrenched when he remembered Sun, this wasn't him that's for sure. He stumbled back and the robot said in a cheery tone "hi new friend!" Galaxy's ears went back at the robots shrill, loud, and pitchy voice.

Not like Sun's soft calm voice, a voice Galaxy missed so much. He pressed back those thoughts and he resisted the urge to snap at the obnoxiously loud animatronic that was hopping around him and.. trying to pet his ears- nope.

"Hey!" he snapped rudely and the animatronic shrank back looking hurt, Galaxy felt bad of course but this animatronic is so loud, it's colors were so obnoxiously bright to, while Sun's colors were more pastel, more pleasing to look at, this robots colors were an eyesore, they were saturated bright yellow and orange and red and green and blue, Galaxy squinted at them.

He is trying to stay calm and not freak out, his ears are back from the animatronics screaming "new friend!" it cheered loudly, Galaxy had a headache his head was pounding from being knocked out and this knockoff of Sun is not helping him. Galaxy stayed on the ground, straight in the middle of the daycare. 

He instantly noticed that this is not at all how Sun described the daycare, Sun described a bright place with two large play structures and such. Sure, the two play structures were still there, but the place was dark, with star, sun, and moon shaped lights illuminating the place in a pretty glow. The padded floor was a dark blue and if Galaxy looked up hard enough he could see little consolations glowing on the roof. 

Wow, after they kicked Sun and the fam out they did a full makeover... Galaxy thought but was snapped out of his thoughts when the robot tapped his shoulder gently "AH! UH HI!" he yelped in surprise and the animatronic giggled "hi! You must be Galaxy!" a little freaked out that the animatronic knew his name he said "heh... y-yeah-" the animatronic danced around "well new friend! I'll show you around!" Galaxy just wanted to be left alone.

Galaxy got up and saw that much to his relief, his foot was fixed. He stood up wobbly and the animtronic helped him by letting him lean on them babbling nonsense about kids, hide and seek, games, and arts and crafts. Galaxy's headache was getting worse and worse and he muttered "what's your name?" his face was pained, very very pained. The animatronic said "oh! Sunrise- wait are you okay friend?" he asked concerned and Galaxy resisted the urge to push them away.

"Fine fine!" he said in a strained voice and they said "Galaxy friend, you look hurt..." Galaxy shook his head "FINE!" he snapped and they flinched away looking even more hurt, this animatronic disgusted him. Not the personality, while it was annoying they still seemed nice, but the fact they were a knock off of Sun.

Sunrise's rays drooped sadly and he said "oh friend... Let's get you to the rooms, I can see that you need time to decompress!" thank god. Thank the gods. "Okay..." Galaxy tried to ignore the pain in his paws and head as he leaned on the animatronic so he could walk, he felt very incredibly dizzy, it didn't take long for the animatronic to start babbling again. 

Galaxy knew he should probably be listening, but he had a hard time doing so, he just stared at the floor silently thinking of Sun, Jack, the twins, Moon, Lunar, and the animatronic walked to a desk. Galaxy looked confused "weren't we going to the room?" Sunrise nods "yep! I need you to touch that" he points a little plush and Galaxy stared confused "wha- why???" Sunrise said cheerfully "it'll teleport you to the balcony!" Galaxy stared with a 'I'm sorry what?' face.

Is this some kind of trend I missed...? Sunrise giggled and grabbed his paw gently, before Galaxy could react his paw touched the plush and he felt the world shift. OH GOD OH GOD- and now, he was on the balcony. He looked around in shock, panic, and confusion and then started to feel sick. Sunrise sighs in pity "teleportation bug, happens the first couple times, it's just your body getting used to it" Galaxy felt dizzy and Sunrise said cheerfully and loudly "come on lets get you to the couch friend!" Galaxy seriously wished they'd shut up. 

He did not get his wish.

Why? Sun suddenly yelled at the top of his metal lungs "MOONRISE!" Galaxy jumped ears pressed against his head and Sunrise said "sorry friend!" Galaxy was starting to realize then, just how tall Sunrise is. He's taller than me! Galaxy thought, he's gotta be like 12'3! Jeez! Must suck. He turned and saw a blue door open, a moon animatronic looked at him with red eyes with a white pupil.

He said softly "hi, you're the new one?" the animatronic was the same size as Sunrise, but his colors were less of an eyesore. "Y-y-yeah-" Galaxy said shakily still shaken from the sudden yell, heck he was shaken from this whole situation. The giant moon themed animatronic looked at him in pity "I hear you got declawed..." Galaxy nodded tail between legs, it's been between his legs this entire time. 

Everything felt like sensory overload, he was so overwhelmed and the moon animatronic said softly "names Moonrise" okay Galaxy already likes him more than Sunrise, his colors didn't make him feel like he's staring into the sun and his voice is soft and less painful for Galaxy's cracking headache. 

"Hi..." Galaxy said awkwardly and Moondrop said looking at Sunrise as he ran around cleaning stuff and said "I'm so sorry about this friend, I hacked Fazbear's files and saw that you were practically kidnapped..." Galaxy watched the Moon's thin string like tail whip about. "Yeah..." he said softly and Moonrise said "Sunrise is... if anything oblivious of the sins of humanity, he hasn't had a dose of it yet I haven't either but I know Monty got his anger issues from the frustration of the humans not helping him through something" Moon sighed. 

Galaxy's ear twitched and Moonrise said "I'd help you with your paws, but I am at the moment running low on materials, ya know..." Galaxy said quickly "it's fine it's fine..." Sunrise practically yelled "friend! Lets show you your room!" Galaxy jumped ears back again and Moonrise chuckled "you get used to his screaming" Galaxy muttered "I don't think I ever will" He ran over to Sunrise begrudgingly and hissed softly and grumpily "show me."

Sunrise grabbed his aching paws, no not aching, very pained paws and practically dragged him, Galaxy knew that Sunrise didn't mean back but Galaxy hissed in pain and Sunrise let go looking concerned "friend...?" Galaxy hissed hiding his paws "i'm fine I'm fine!" Sunrise looked at him concerned and said loudly "I understand if you don't trust me! You're new here! So the reason why you're in this daycare is so we can watch you!" Galaxy stared with a creeped out look.

Sunrise didn't notice, "but you're also going to help me with cleaning the daycare!" Galaxy watched Sunrise's bright orange rays spin around his head in a full 180 out of what seemed to be excitement, "we can get to know each other!" great. Just great. getting to know a knock off of  Sun. 

Sunrise is never going to be as hot as Sun that's for sure, he snorted and Sunrise pushed open a door "here we are!" he pointed at a party room,  Galaxy was in no mood to complain "cool..." he grunted "as long as no kids rush in and try and pet me- please-" he pushed Sunrise away as he tried to pet my ears.

Sunrise pouted "awww come on they are so soft!" Galaxy grunted getting away "no" Sunrise pouts more like a toddler and said loudly "well! Here we are! I'll leave you to get settled in!" Galaxy was then left alone, he looked around the room nervously and looked at a statue. His sensors instantly went bonkers, HOLD UP IS THAT LEAD-!?

Galaxy rushed over to it, luckily he was a robot and can't be affected by lead poisoning but don't kids come in here?! Galaxy tripped on his paws and fell in a foam pit, he hissed in disgust not wanting to know how many kids peed in here and crawled out and shook his fur out. He stood back up and smoothed his fur down with a paw and clumsily picked up a dark blue barrel. 

Due to his lack of claws he dropped the barrel like five times. It made him want to cry even more, he struggled to hold the object until he finally after trial and error, got a steady hold. He looked at it, looking at the little markings before dropping it and crawling inside of a playhouse, he squeezed himself in and oh boy did he not fit, but he could still get in which the cat equivalent of fit.

His body curled up and his fur stuck out of the windows and door, he laid there curled up feeling safer in the cramped space than out in the open. What can he say? If he fits he sits but playhouse edition. 

He huddled in there tired, exhausted but he didn't dare fall asleep. He didn't know this place, it's dangers, it's anything. The fear of the unknown was strong, very strong. So he huddled in the playhouse, hoping he was going to be okay and safe.

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