What if?

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(Viewers Pov)

Derek rested his arms against the wooden dusty table, his hands locking behind his head as he looked down, his breathing heavy, his mind filling with thoughts of what could go wrong. Dark thoughts crossed his mind, what if he died and suffered like Paige? Lost control and killed someone? Was killed or hunted? What if?

Was the risk to high, he looked over at the tall, pale boy from the corner of his eye, there was no way he could survive right? However he did have the power of the Nogitsune inside of him for a while and he coped. He thrived, a little too well. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

He sighed before slamming his fists onto the table in one quick motion causing the table to jolt and for the layer of dust to fly everywhere. He wanted him to be like the rest, to fit in, like he had asked him to help with but the what ifs where just to big.

He breathed in deeply and circled his head, calming himself down. This was not the time to get angry, he needed to have a level head. He needed to think about this, because this wasn't just going to last for a few hours and then be over, this was a forever thing.

This had the potential to kill him, make him suffer an unbareable amount of pain or cause him to go crazy with power before having an unwavering sense of guilt placed on his shoulders and that just wouldn't do for Derek.

How could he just ask him like that after two and half years of knowing him, just come out with that? Asking for such a gift, asking for the promise the two of them had made one night? Derek hoped he had forgotten but sadly it had raised it's ugly head in conversation.

The handsome man breathed deeply and turned to face the young male, his eyes still glowing blue from the anger and sadness that was coursing inside of him. He had become so close to this man in the past few years, to the point he would die for him but yet the risk of doing what he asked just felt too much.

If it went wrong he couldn't save him and that just wouldn't do, he couldn't bare to loose him, he meant too much. He was pack despite not connected by the bite. He was almost family but not quite, as Derek felt different towards him than the other males.

Something about the young man, excited and interested him. He knew exactly how to push his buttons and yet no matter how hard he tried Derek just couldn't get him to quit. He had a soft spot for the man but he didn't know why.

They almost seemed to have a love, hate relationship, where one minute they could comfort eachother, take the pain away from one another, be the anchor when the waves got too high and other times just beat the living shit out of one another. But in the end it would always end up that they cared about one another.

He couldn't lose that, the banter that they shared was irreplaceable but at the same time he wanted to help, wanted to give the man all he wanted, to be his hero, the one he could trust. He didn't want to break the promise but it just seemed too dangerous.

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