Maybe it was a bad time

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(Stiles' Pov)

I stood slightly awkward in the corner of Derek's loft, watching him as he thought about what I asked. I watched as he locked his arms behind his head causing his muscles in his back and arms to tense and quiver making my breath become heavy. So much so that I had to gulp away the lump it left in my throat.

His tight bottle green t-shirt hung against his well sculpted body and left me thankful that werewolves couldn't read minds because if so Derek would probably be quite uncomfortable around me. I watched as the rhythm of his breathing changed and his fists tensed into balls before crashing down onto the table I was sure would give way.

A layer of dust scattered into the atmosphere and left me wondering if this was the best thing to ask, but I couldn't help it. For a while now I just felt helpless, like no one needed me because I didn't have any sort of super power. Honestly I felt like Robin as apposed to Batman.

I sighed heavily and watched as Derek paced around the room, obviously stressed about something, was he predicting the worst? I watched as his hand scratched the back of his neck before running through his hair.

He huffed and stared up at me, his blue eyes shining brightly in the low lit room, my breath hitched they were stunning and the innocence of what caused them left me thinking about who the real Derek was or still is. Like does he still think back to that night, think about the love they shared?. Does he hope that the pain, if its there is removed at some point ? Or does he wish he could love again?

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, looking up at the ceiling, I knew this was a dumb idea and the fact that I had asked him instead of Scott was strange. I mean Scott would do it no problem but Derek he would need a reason, I mean why else would he turn Isaac, the boy who had no parents and when his dad was alive beat him mercilessly. I sighed this really was a stupid idea, but i just couldn't wait, I needed this.

I ran my hand through my rough hair, tugging at the roots before walking over to the tall dark and handsome man, who just stared down at the floor. I sighed and placed my hand upon his arm, the warm skin creating shivers that cascaded through my body.

"Derek, its okay. Don't worry, I knew it was a big ask, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about the risk" I said slowly trying to get him to look at me. "Derek I shouldn't have never put pressure on you like that, I'm sorry, can we just forget about it?" I said turning away, my hand wanting to cling on to his bare skin some more.

I pulled away, hopefully I hadn't just ruined our pack.

(Next day)

I slowly climbed out of bed and stretched, yawning wide. I opened my eyes, closed my mouth and slowly placed my hands by my side before looking around my room. My phone which was placed on my bedroom table blinked with a flash of light letting me know I had a message.

"Oo I wonder what Scott wants me to find out about this time?" I said aloud tapping my fingertips together and grabbing the phone. I stared at the screen surprised, Derek never usually texted me, unless he was in trouble.. Wait he wasn't in trouble was he, I thought as I skimmed the text.

'Hi Stiles, about last night, we need to talk, I don't feel we left it right, this needs to be discussed properly, meet me in the boys locker room at lunch, we can talk then, stay safe.

Typical he just wanted to talk about last night, well atleast it was better that him texting me because he was either dying, going to die or hurt. However if I wanted a normal conversation with the fucking guy I should stop being friends with the alpha of his pack.

I huffed, blowing my finge upwards and began to get changed.

(at school)
I sat in my car and waited for Scott to arrive on his bike, my mind casually drifting to last night and the way Derek looked and felt between my hand, 'damn I have it bad, I need to stop this I have a fucking girlfriend, someone I love deeply' I thought as I shook my head and got out the Jeep.

"Hey Stiles, what's up?" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me, I smiled and turned around to greet him in a big one armed hug. 'well I could tell him the truth?' I thought before dismissing it "Oh not much, just helping my dad sort through some cases, how about you, hows your moms leg after the Nogitsune and the Oni kinda attacked it?" I said as straightfaced as possible hoping he wouldn't catch a rise in my heartbeat.

Scott looked at me before smiling weakly "Shes good man, its healing pretty well along with everyone elses, now you sure everythings okay, you're not having anymore dark thoughts or nightmares are you? Because you look as if you haven't slept" he asked concerned.

"oh Bro everything cool, just the humidity making sleeping rough, I'll be fine in a few days" I said smiling, hoping it was just the humidity making me crave the bite.

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