Talking is good... I guess?

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"Stiles?" I asked cautiously as I entered the room only to see his head down on the desk, sobbing. "Stiles? Whats wrong?" I walked over to him, placing a hand on his back. "I don't know what to do" he cried heavily leaping at me, wrapping me into a hug.

At first I was taken aback insure of what to do, no one had done this since my mother, the last day of her life. In the end I fought back the tears and surrounded him in my arms. "Hey, hey, it will be okay" I said gently hoping to stop the uncomfortableness of his cries. I hated seeing him this way.

"Stiles whats wrong?" I asked unwrapping him from my chest and keeping him at arms length, the tears I had only seen a few times before glistening against his cheeks. I bent down and looked him deep in the eyes. "Stiles please tell me" I whispered deeply afraid I may threaten him.

"Thats the first time you've ever said please to me Sourwolf" he sniffled drying his eyes with the back of his hand. "Stiles whats wrong?" I asked again trying to look him in the eye.

Stiles was still and silent the only sounds that echoed through the room where his sniffles and heavy breathing. Finally he breathed deeply and whisper to me the reason for the outburst. "Derek I don't know how i'm coping right now, what with these cravings, Scott finally learning to trust me again, the pack rebuilding, now this, I'm not even sure how I feel about Malia, Lydia or even..." he whispered slowly becoming silent, he slinked to the floor, tears forming yet again in his eyes.

I crouched to the floor and sighed, he was in pain and was truely suffering, he really did feel alone and I of all people knew how horrific it could be. "... Even what stiles?" I whispered back sitting opposite him on the floor. "Even you" he replied diverting his eyes, I sighed of course he would be confused, for years now he had loved Lydia to the point he knew he was straight, then I came alone and sure enough even my feelings changed. Now he had Malia but still felt something for all three of us.

"Stiles I don't care, I like you and now you know, whatever you choose I'm okay with it, I just want you to let me in, to help you. I don't want you to end up like the guy in the case reports and I know you don't either so let me help you" I pleaded hoping he would. Finally Stiles looked up at me, "Okay" he whispered sadly trying weakly to push himself off the floor.

" Here let me " I said kneeling up, collecting the case files and a box of tissues off the desk. He smirked as he pulled a tissue from the box and dried his eyes "Thanks wolfie" he joked, "You know you're not so sour when you lighten up" he smiled the light slowly returning to his eyes.

"Thanks I guess" I said trying to sound unsure even though that was probably the first and last complement I would ever get from him.

With that Stiles began to tell me all his fears. "Derek I'm scared Scott wont ever forgive me for accidentally killing Donovan, yeah he says he's forgiven me but I know he doesn't trust me. It's like he's scared of me" he sighed throwing yet another case down into the 'no clue's pile'.

I sighed this was so hard to talk about especially since I was still not completely over killing Boyd, but I put on a straight face and tried my best to give him some advice. "Stiles, Scott is just scared. Scared because well Theo defeated him once and almost killed you all. He watched as his own pack was ripped apart and he was left with almost nothing. He was beathen and tricked and then he finds out that the one person he can trust has done something he can't quiet believe" I said trying to make myself sound less critical towards Stiles's side of things.

I scooted next to Stiles and held his hand, hoping he would truely feel how sorry and worried I was for him. Hoping that he would listen to my words and believe he did not do wrong."He's scared because you did something, although it was by accident, you did something. One that he could never do and Two something he thought no one else in his pack would do either. Stiles he is scared and shocked still, for a while he is not going to trust you".

Stiles sighed and looked down at the floor, "I know what I did was wrong, it will haunt me everyday, I would have never done it if I had another way" he gulped deeply trying to hold back tears of regret. "If only he had managed to save Donovan the first time".

"Stiles, in Scott's mind you did the opposite of what he said technically breaking the bond between you too and the trust. He will get over it though, they always do and with a bond like yours and Scott's it wont be gone for long" I said hopefully changing his mind on the whole Scott situation at hand.

"And believe me, I know how you feel, if there was a way to turn back time I would" I whispered to him letting him rest his head upon my shoulders, "and not just for me either" .

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