What's up with stiles?

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(Scott's Pov)

I watched as Stiles pulled up in his crappy, blue jeep and switched off the engine before sitting still and silently staring of into nothingness. Kinda like when Lydia hears voices or gets the 'feeling'. I watched as his body moved slowly and rhythmically in and out to show his breathing, his eyes blink and his tongue run across his lips, wetting them. Other than that no other body movement could be seen.

His heartbeat was high, and almost sounded as if it was at a dangerous tempo, I shook my head maybe he was just remembering some flashbacks. I'd give him a moment and looked around to try and spot my Pack.

I scanned the surrounding area and saw no one I knew enough to spark a conversation with, so I turned my attention back to Stiles who was slowly pushing himself out the door of his Jeep, his backpack swinging from his left shoulder. I grabbed my helmet from my bikes seat and ran to catch up with him.

"Hey Stiles, what's up?" I called as if we hadn't seen each other for pizza and a movie yesterday. He truned to me and smiled his face draining of colour and I just knew something was wrong.

I listened to all he had to say but all the time I listened to his heartbeat that faintly changed in pase. He was lying to me, everything wasn't okay as he had so rightly told me. However I knew I shouldn't push him into telling me, purely because he would tell me if need be, just now wasn't the right time.

I sighed and replied to Stiles' question as if I had been listening the entire time, I watched as he was trying to put on a brave face, something was desperately wrong here.

Me and Stiles walked inside and collected our books from our lockers before meeting the girls. I watched as Kira strutted down the corridor her slim figure, her beautiful brown eyes, her soft sliky hair flowing behind her and her pink kissable lips drawing me in.

I hardly realised that Stiles was talking to Malia or that the bell had rung when I heard Kira calling my name. "Scott come on we have Science" she smiled holding her hand out to me, waiting for me to place mine into hers. I smiled, wrapped her into a one armed hug and kissed her head. "You'd tell me if something was wrong wouldn't you?" I asked her casually causing her to look up at me and raise an eyebrow.

" Yeah I know stupid question it's just that Stiles.." I said before I was cut off by both Malia and Lydia "So you've noticed that too" Malia sighed looking at the floor. Lydia touched her lips and sighed "He's been strange all morning, earlier Derek texted me asking if Stiles was okay, plus just now he said he had Math when we have Science and he kissed me instead of Malia before running off".

Malia huffed "It was an accident don't flatter yourself sweetheart", causing Lydia to glare back at her. Was it just me or was Lydia, the same Lydia who had turned Stiles down millions of times now jealous of his girlfriend?

It would need to be looked at closely, I didn't want a banshee and a were-coyote ripping eachother apart.

"We need to speak to Derek, he knows something none of us do, I'll visit his loft tonight, in the mean time keep an eye on him and track his movements, something just not right here" I said forcefully causing the others to nod before walking to the class.


So far everything with Stiles seemed okay, there were a few moments, like in English where he just sat at his desk and stared out the window for the whole time or in Math where he was constantly writing or drawing something. Whether this was to do with a case his dad was working on or a more serious problem, I wasn't sure, all I knew was it needed fixing.

I sighed and watched as my Pack sat down, kira beside me, Lydia at the end of the table and Malia opposite, the only one missing was Stiles. They all looked around the room, obviously curious as to where he had gotten to, before turning to look at eachother and settling on me.

I sighed, grabbing my sandwich and taking a bite. "I don't know last time I saw him was Practice ten minutes ago, he said he needed to talk to coach, something about econ". The others "ohed" and began eating.

Hopefully Stiles was okay, I had never seen him this stressed, no I hadn't seen him after practice or heard that he was talking to Coach.

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