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"Stiles?" I heard a voice calling as a very distressed Derek wandered into the room. "I thought something happened to you, one minute I could hear two heart beats then the other just faded into silence, I thought you were gone" He panted as I stared up at him, from the floor.

I was still in shock from the close contact with whatever the thing was that I had just seen in the kitchen. "Derek call the guys, somethings up". I said as he pulled me from the floor.

Derek shot me a confused look before nodding and dialing Scott.


"You're sure it looked like a big black dog. Not a wolf like Derek?" Scott asked for the second time as Malia, Lydia, Derek and Kira stood back and listened. "And you have no clue what it could be?" he asked slowly. I shook my head and scratched my neck "I'm pretty sure it was a werewolf and if it was, it was definitely one type we haven't crossed before"

"Like a chimera again?" Malia asked panicked. I shook my head again, taking a step towards her. I took her hands, trying to calm her "it wasn't like that, honestly this thing looked as though it was trying to help, work things out itself, it looked pure" I whispered sitting on the couch.

"Maybe we should just look it up" Kira asked outloud, "I mean Chris left the book for a reason. He obviously thought we'd need it at some point" Lydia shrugged. Everyone stared at eachother for a few minutes, stood in pure silence as everyone thought about that as a plan.

Finally Derek coughed and everyone turned to look at him, "You know thats not that bad of an idea" he said scouting through the cupboards trying to find where me and my dad had hidden it.

"Here" I said getting up and reached for a very dusty beige book, I then passed it to Derek who wiped the dust off the cover with his hand before flicking though the pages.

"I'll check here, Malia, Lydia and Scott go to the library and see if you can find anything about big black dogs disappearing into thin air, glowing, sharing memories and generally making werewolves on edge. Stiles can help me with this and can look online to help, he can also go to the station to see if anything has come up before on the Sheriff's records, Kira you see if your parents know anything" Derek said harshly as he slammed the book onto the table, dust flying everywhere, to which me and Scott both swatted it away.

"I dont want this to be another bad thing bent on destroying my happiness here" he spoke staring everyone down, I scoffed "Happiness?, what happiness? Derek do you even know the meaning of happy?"

Kira and Scott both tried hard to not giggle as the heard my comeback. Derek shot them a look which only caused them to giggle louder and cover their mouths.

"Stiles" he growled low at me, obviously he was still upset we never got to finish. I got up and walked towards him not afraid of anything he could do. "Ooo is big bad Alpha trying to show us who's boss" I asked sarcastically staring him down, our bodies close. The sparks between us buzzing with electricity

Derek rolled his eyes and sighed, "come on guy's" Scott said, holding in the last bit of his laughter, to the others as he tried to scoot both Malia and Lydia out of the door, Kira following close behind. "Really subtle Stiles" Derek angrily growled as he settled in his seat as the door shut with a loud bang.

"Yeah right you love me acting out really" I whispered sitting next to him as he picked the cobweb's and dust off the pages. "You couldn't have put this anywhere better? " Derek asked as he held up the book by the four pages that where some how stuck together.

"No not really, why is there a problem?" I smirked at the very handsome and extremely agitated wolf, as I loaded up my laptop. "Look Derek everythings going to be okay, we'll find a way to help you control your powers" I spoke seriously turning towards the young man, who wouldn't agree with it, but was scared to death.

"I promise" I smiled placing an hand upon his bulging arm muscles, Derek looked across at me and half smiled. "Thanks" he said shooting me a look of sarcasm, before turning back to the book, a finger dripping into his mouth before helping to flick the corners of the pages apart. "Hey, anytime" I grinned typing into the search engine what I had experienced.

____________ An hour later____________

"Are you sure? Nothing at all" I heard Scott sigh from down the phone, it sounded as if they hadn't found much either. "What about you, anything?" I asked running a hand through my hair making it flick up in various directions.

"Nope only the similarities between it and hell hounds, are you sure you're not missing anything else?" I heard Lydia shout, I looked at Derek, thinking about what happened.

"Stiles? You there?" I heard a voice interject, infiltrating my somewhat steamy imagination. "O-oh sorr-ry was just thin-inking about it, well none of the lights worked when I tried to use them, but apart from that I've told you all I remember" I stuttered flustered from the dirty images lining my mind. My mouth dry and my cheeks red in embarrassment.

"Oh we'll do a bit more searching and then meet up back at the house, I think its time you told your dad so he can atleast help us" Malia stated causing me to frown, God I had to tell her what had happened at some point, because I dont think I could hold it back anymore without causing myself physical and mental harm.

"Okay me and Derek will pop out and we'll meet you back here in an hour" I said packing the info we had found and the beastie book into my backpack.

"Okay, speak then" and with that they hung up. "You ready?" Derek asked shrugging on his black leather jacket that fit perefectly to his sculpted body. I smiled, 'boy did he look good in that jacket'.

"As ready as I'll always be" I smiled at the man next to me, my cheeks flushing red as my head filled with dirty thoughts again. He nodded and left towards the door "We'll take my car" he joked, smirking at me.

"Not funny Hale" I said seriously, I had loved that car and the fact I didnt have it anymore was strange. "Ooo serious Stiles, I like it" Derek laughed opening the door. "Yeah we don't get to see much of him do we" I said sarcastically, leaving the house and climbing into Dereks car.

"Oh come on cheer up" Derek laughed as he started the engine. "Are you kidding me, you of all people" I sighed out loud, throwing my hands up, a smile forming on my lips.

And with that we left for my dads office, unsure of what we would find.

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