Check out

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I watched as derek struggled against himself, trying to regain control and focus, was this my fault ?

I stared out the window into the dark clear night, no full moon was planned, in fact another one wasn't due till next week and there was no way that he would be starting to feel the effect already.

Never had I seen Derek so out of control and look so scared, what if he couldn't control himself and ended up hurting me or worse, himself. I couldn't let that happen.

"Derek are you okay? "I asked hastily only for derek to spin round and glare at me his eyes glowing brightly, "Stiles's do I look alright to you?" he whisper deeply, his face inches from mine, I gulped he was really intimidating.

"Stiles I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't control myself. I can't change back, i'm scared i'm going to hurt you" he whispered his eyes tearing up. I sighed I didn't want to leave him, not in this state.

"Stiles please just go, also whoever's downstairs needs to go with you" he begged, blood dripping on to floor from his scrunched fists. He really was having trouble.

"Derek, I know you're feeling crazy right now but what do you mean whoever's downstairs? My dad's at work and Malia shouldn't be here" I asked confused and a little anxious. Derek stopped and looked at me a confused expression crossing his face.

"Stiles what do you mean theres no one supposed to be downstairs? I can hear three heartbeats your's, mine and someones downstairs" Derek said his ears listening to the beat of mine and his own heart and his eyes showing his true worry.

I stared at Derek and I wished we could have carried on. But there of course there was more important matters, my mind thinking of what maybe downstairs, was this another bad guy we had to stop and if so couldn't we just get a break already? I mean the scale was just sorting itself out. Or was it something else entirely, if so what?

I sighed deeply and smiled, "Derek just try to stay calm, i'll go check downstairs for all I know it could be Scott" knowing damn well that Scott would have texted or shouted up to me. Derek nodded "be careful" he whispered as I headed for the door, only to look back once more to see Derek let out a single tear.

If it wasn't for the impending doom downstairs I would have made fun of him for crying but sadly this needed to be checked. I opened the door and stepped out into the silent hallway.


I crept down the hallway trying to keep my heartbeat as normal as possible and be as quiet as I could, but something felt really wrong. I looked around and spotted a lightswitch, 'Thank god' I said before flicking the switch only to see the lights flutter, spark and leave me in the pitch blackness.

I looked in confusion at the darkness surrounding the hallway and flipped the switch again, nothing happen. I gulped and tried once more as I prayed I didn't have to go in to the blackness.


I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. Just my luck. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone before turning on the torch.

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