Case File

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"So you're telling me that there maybe yet another murderous supernatural creature out there?" Stiles's dad asked the frustration and annoyance in his voice obvious. "Yeah kinda"Stiles replied rubbing the back of his neck "Although we're not sure if it's bent of killing us yet" he said retreating into himself.

"Stiles! Why the hell are you bringing this to me if it's not causing any danger nor likely too in the near future?" the sheriff shouted causing Stiles to flinch and grimis. I sighed and left the safety of the dark corner I had been stood in.

"Sheriff we need to know if there has been any sightings of this thing or anything like this before, its new to us" I said deeply leaning on the table. The Sheriff sighed and rolled his eyes before turning away from us and reaching for the cases he had put away in the, what we liked to call, supernatural pile.

"I remember seeing a few cases where people saw a creature disappearing into thin air as they crossed its path and two where people were visited by this thing" The sheriff said as he placed the heavy brown box upon his desk. "They're somewhere in here, however me and Parrish will go check on the databases just to be sure" he said as he tapped the box lid and left.

Stiles sighed and walked behind the desk, pulling off the lid, letting the overflowing cases fall onto the wooden table below. "Guess we better get to work then" He sighed holding up a file for me to take, whilst digging through the rest.

_______20 minutes later_______

"DEREK LOOK!" Stiles shouted suddenly as he crawled towards me waving the case file rapidly infront of my face. "Hold it still you spaz and I might be able to" I growled annoyed about the jumpscare. "Just look " he smiled happily as I took the papers from his hands. I skimmed the writing and pushed myself up to the standing position.

"The beasts leg then glowed, it's eyes flashing a deep blue colour before images of my past flashed infront of my eyes. Within minutes it was over, the beast stepped away and vanished" I read aloud, surprised that this had actually been seen before. "See I wasn't making it up" Stiles laughed as he grabbed the papers from my hands and he dialed his phone.

"Scott we've found something, it's exactly like my experience, Scott this means we have evidence that this thing wasn't just my imagination" Stiles said exstaticly. I crossed my arms and lent against the wall watching how happy the young man was. He had sure grown up since I had first laid eyes on him.

"Scott we will keep looking and then tell my dad, we still on to meet at mine in 40 minutes?" Stiles sighed. "Cool see you then" He said biting his bottom lip as he brought the phone to his side and hung up.

I was confused what had suddenly caused the mood change, what had Scott said? "Stiles?" I called, my eyebrow arching in question. When he didn't immediately turn to me, I asked again "Stiles you okay?" placing a hand upon his shoulder. He nodded, his voice struggling to form the words, "I-im okay"he splurted out as he shook my hand from his shoulder.

I decided not to press it any futher unless he wanted to tell me. "Come on lets go tell your dad, maybe we can work this thing out" I said caringly, as I put an arm around his shoulder and lead him out the door.

"So you found something then?" Parrish said as he looked up at us from the screen of his computer. I nodded and watched as Stiles passed the case to his dad who skimmed the pages and passed it Parrish who began typing away into the computer.

"Okay here it is Jacob Henry, came into the station on the 15th March 2001, he was dressed normally and the tests we performed upon him proved his mental state was fine" Parrish said his eyes moving from left to right as he read. "It said he came to make a statement about seeing a large black glowing dog surrounded by Smoke approach him whilst in traffic one day. The dog seemed non threatening however had a bandage wrapped around one of it's hind legs. The dog apparently came up to him, and begged to be stroked only for its eyes to change colour and it's bandage to glow, when the man placed his hands upon it." Parrish spoke deeply, looking up at us when he muttered the last sentence.

"Sound anything like you?" he aksed Stiles who nodded and rubbed his neck, "Exactly like me". Parrish nodded before returning to where he left off, "the man then said he experienced visions from his past before the dog removed its head from his hands, backed away and disappered into nothing".

Everyone turned to Stiles who was stood in shock looking down at the floor. He bit his lip and raised his head "What happened to him?" he asked nevously, which was unlike him. Parrish clicked the mouse a few times and typed a few sentences before both him and the sheriff looked on at the computer screen, both their scents smelling of fear amd worry.

Parrish gulped and ran his hand through his hair, "Stiles um...He..Kinda was found a few weeks later.. Upside down in the river his stomach and chest torn to bits by what we assumed back then was mountain lions. However im guessing we all know it could be something far more serious".

Stiles nodded "Keep me informed on what you find im looking for more cases, there can't be just the one". He then walked back into the office only to shut the door behind him with force.

"I can see I'm not welcome anymore" I laughed dryly as the sheriff and Jordan continued to type away. "Derek are you sure you've never seen this before?" the sheriff sighed turning around in this seat. "Sorry sheriff nothings written in the book and I certainly haven't seen anything like this before" I sighed sitting on the edge of the desk.

The sheriff nodded, "Maybe tomorrow it might be good to ask Deaton what he knows". I nodded "Of course that man should have atleast seen something like this before" I said getting up to go tell Stiles.

I smiled he would be happy that he might get answers, atleast I hoped he would, that and I hoped he would talk about what he was keeping from me. I walked past the office to see Stiles sorting through the files, his head down and his arms above it, he sighed, his whole body jerking with the heavy breathing.

He then placed one of his elbows of the desk and Bit his bottom lip, tears threatening to spill in his eyes.

I needed to know and he was going to tell me one way or another.

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