Chapter 14

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     I STAND ABRUPTLY from the sofa and beckon the waitress. When she’s neared my booth, I hand her a dollar note. Without waiting for a change or telling her to keep it, I head out of the café and into my Toyota Camry parked across the street. I start the car, pull out, and hit the road.

     This can’t be happening. I’ve always known someone has been stalking me, but now I have proof, and the person responsible is none other than Evans’ ex. What if it wasn’t Isla and was just a random woman? That’s not possible. The picture of the shredded gown and the note behind it confirm it was her in the café. And the way she stared at me. I sensed the hate in her eyes.

     Evans assured me she wasn’t going to be a problem. I didn’t believe him; he didn’t tell me everything about his past relationship with Isla. I knew from the spot there was more between them than what he’d told me. I can’t believe Evans would keep this sensitive information from me. His ex-girlfriend is sick in the head. If she had gotten into my room to ruin my wedding gown, then it means she knows where I stay. I don’t doubt she’s been spying on me for a very long time. I can’t live like this. Evans has to do something, or else it isn’t going to end well.

     A short while later, I park my car in the driveway and hop out. It’s still morning. Most of the neighbors don’t have their cars parked in their driveways, which means they’ve all gone to work. I have no way of finding out from them if anyone entered my house while I was away.

     Trying to keep my anger at bay, I walk across the manicured lawn to the front porch, dipping my hand into my purse. I get the keys out, and just when I hold the knob, the door creaks open. A gasp escapes my lips as it dawns on me that someone has broken into my house. I will never forget to lock the door in a million years. I don’t forget things like this.

     I didn’t open this door. Someone did, and my mind can’t stop screaming Isla’s name. Girding myself, I slide the keys back into my purse and enter the house, an ominous sense of despair running through my body. I’ve not felt uncomfortable in my own house ever since I moved here. I’ve grown to love the neighborhood, the neighbors, and my peaceful house.

     Layla, the woman from across the street advised me to get a dog, but I ignored her, telling her I wasn’t one with a thing for pets, but now I need a guard dog.

     My feet feel numb with each step I take. I walk briskly across the living room and climb the short staircase upstairs to my bedroom. As I touch the knob, a chill runs down my spine, and I get the impression that someone has defiled my sanctuary. My heart beats faster than normal. I hesitate, then rotate the knob, and step into the room.

     Everything is as I had left them. The windows are half-open and rays of the morning sun are pouring inside, casting gentle hues around the subdued space. The scent of lavender from my perfume still hangs in the room. My large bed sits at the center, covered in white sheets.

     I whip my head to the part of the room I use as dressing area, where I placed the mannequin. As if my eyes are deceiving me when I look down, there are pieces of lace strewing on the tiles. Glancing up, I look at my wedding gown—now a mess—covering the mannequin.

     I can’t believe Isla would do this to me, but what was I thinking? I was naive to believe Evans didn’t have an ex, and I’m the first woman he has proposed to. I was wrong. Now I know that. There’s an angry ex somewhere, angry enough to ruin my wedding dress. My worst nightmare is unfolding, and I can’t believe this is a reality.

     I walk to my gown and touch the fabrics, mixed feelings moving through me. I should be angry that Evans didn’t tell me what his ex was capable of, but I’m not. To be honest, I’m scared. Very scared. I pull out the picture she sent me from the purse, and the words written on the back send another chill down my spine.

     I’m just getting started.

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